
Persuasive Essay On Obesity

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Not Lovin’ It This generation is dying and no one is doing much about it. The people have no one to blame but themselves. They give into temptation and pay for food that is terrible for their health. Although is it really the people's fault? The food industries are made to finesse people into being consumers. Starting with making healthier foods extremely expensive and then making the unhealthy foods less than a couple buck plus and three times the healthy serving size. The current generation has to fix the current problem so the future generation will not have to face it too. Time is running out on this generation. Instead of blaming the people tell the food industries to change their whole ordeal and help parents educate their families on what really goes in their food. The main question now is what is obesity, a quick sum up would be the excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems. Obesity is the gateway to all of the worst health problems ranging from diabetes to stroke and even cancer. Being obese means that the person is taking in more calories than they could burn off. This mostly affects “26 percent of schoolchildren”(7) states Daniel Weintraub from The Battle Against Fast Foods Begins in Home. That means that 26 percent of kids are overweight and no one is helping them. This generation that is and is coming is going to be born to die. “One in five adolescents, ages 12–19; one in five kids, ages 6–11, and and one in ten preschoolers, ages 2–5

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