
Persuasive Essay On Obesity

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Imagine waking up one day and noticing that every single person in America is obese. That would be really weird wouldn’t it? Well it could possibly happen one day due to the fact that not a lot of people are making healthy lifestyle choices. The health of millennials up to this date has been the worst compared to the 70’s. This has happened due to millennials consuming bad foods and not knowing the information about the food. There is an obesity epidemic in America and if it doesn’t get taken care of soon it could get worse and lead to a lot of problems with people's health. How will people be able to stop the situation from progressing? Furthermore, what is causing this situation obesity? Why is it occurring in America? Some solutions to these questions would be that people in America need to be well educated about the situation in order to make healthier lifestyle choices, do research about the topic and find out what causes obesity, and educate young children to make healthy choices to change the future and make America become a place with a lot of healthy people. It is up to young adults 18-26 year olds to accept personal responsibility on how bad foods affect one's body. Dating back to the 70’s there weren’t many fast food restaurants unlike today there are tons of fast food restaurants all over America. In the 70’s the common disease was diabetes. It wasn't because of bad eating habits. It was because of a genetic disease that was inherited from either the mom or

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