
Persuasive Essay On School Food

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Andrew Di In November, Abby Philyaw started getting sick after eating school food. Until February, she suffered from Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome and stomach aches. Her doctor thinks the school lunch was the cause. After examination, scientists and health inspectors say school food isn’t as healthy as what the education system wants you to think. Science shows that burgers contain ingredients that make you fat, not to mention the other health risks it possesses. Multiple studies have shown that multivitamins can do more harm than good if taken daily by healthy individuals. After examining how burgers contain more than just fat, to why multivitamins might not be good for you, to what really is in school food, scientists fear we are dooming the bodies of the future generation day by day. Science shows that burgers contain more ingredients that make you fat, not to mention the other health risks they possess. For instance, a single hamburger can contain ground beef from hundreds of cows, which increases the risk of burgers containing contaminated beef. Furthermore, the toppings in a burger typically contain high amounts of fat, sugar, and calories. It is still important to realize that burgers can be high in cholesterol and fat, increasing the risk of heart disease. “A study in the journal Obesity found that most fast foods contain extremely high levels of trans fatty acids, which can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and coronary disease”-Men’s Health. All things considered, research has consistently shown over and over again that hamburgers not only make you fat but can give you diseases and will harm your body. Multiple studies have concluded that multivitamins can do more harm than good if taken on a daily basis by healthy individuals. Specifically, scientific studies consistently show that vitamin supplements don’t prevent disease. Moreover, numerous studies found that the average mortality rate of patients who took daily multivitamin supplements increased. Equally important is that research on multiple vitamins show that “overdosing” on vitamins can lead to disease. The ingestion and distribution of vitamins are not controlled. This means that even if tissues in your body have too much of a certain

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