
Persuasive Essay On Social Media And Texting

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“The more social media we have, the more we think we’re connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other.” -JR, a French artist. Social media and texting can decrease your social skills if all we do is spend time on social media and texting because if all we do is type and not talk we will slowly lose the ability to interact with each other. I challenge the decision to allow teenagers more access to social media and texting. Social media and texting can often cause distractions, lead to suicide, and loss of social skills amongst one another. Social media and texting can be a distraction that may lead to serious injuries or even death. Nearly 60 percent of teen accidents result in driving distractions due to texting and posting social media while behind the wheel, say the AAA Foundation Researchers. My evidence supports my claim because social media and texting is the number one distraction leading to teenage car accident deaths. The reason I chose this fact was because death in car accidents are becoming more common due …show more content…

There was a 13 year old girl named Megan Meier, she struggled with ADD, attention deficit disorder, and with her weight. Megan met a boy named Josh Evans. After They met, Josh Evans started to communicate with her on a social media page called MySpace. After a while Josh didn’t want to be friends anymore, and that's when things started to escalate. Josh posted mean things towards her that stated, “The world would be a better place without you.” Then some kids from school started in on it too, and Megan eventually had enough. She walked into her closet and hung herself. My evidence supports my claim because social media and texting can lead to worse things, or even death in Megan’s case. The reason I chose Megan’s story was to show how social media and texting can lead to serious things like

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