
Persuasive Essay On Social Networking

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Instagram. Facebook. Snapchat. Admit it, you know you have one. Chances are you are probably logged on at this very moment, even as you read this paper. Social networking sites such as these have become such a regular part of daily life that they have probably become part of your daily routine: wake up, check Facebook. Shower, check Facebook. Drive to the store, write about it on Snapchat. While Facebook and Snapchat are easy ways to communicate with friends and family, few stop to consider the implications its usage may have for them in the future, or the hidden dangers of having an account. Besides the total loss of privacy that comes with these networks, they can also affect your eligibility for employment, allow unknown predators access to private information, and impair people's’ ability to handle real-life problems effectively. People should delete their Facebooks and their Snapchat, take a break from cyber life, and rejoin the land of the living. It is not so bad out here. A result of social media networks is that is causes a loss of face-to-face interaction, which is the loss of ability to handle stressful social situations successfully (Tao). Online, it is easy to say what you are thinking without worrying much about the consequences. People need to learn how to interact with others socially, and this is only done through practice. If this skill is unlearned, it will affect school and job performance later in life. And now employers have also had to take measures

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