
Persuasive Essay On Suicide In School

Decent Essays

“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem”-Phil Donahue. Suicide is a controversial topic that may be gory and uncomfortable for students to learn about in school. However, in my opinion, it is necessary that teenagers are exposed to this topic, so that they know of events that may affect their peers, and themselves. Discussing this matter at school, informs students that this is an increasing affair and something should be done. Suicide is an appropriate topic to discuss in a Grade 9 class, as students are now mature enough to handle such topics as they appear in many other lessons taught in class.
To begin with, suicide is an appropriate topic to discuss in Grade 9 classes, as students are mature enough to handle a subject like this Confabulating about suicide builds awareness within students of the events that are taking place which can affect themselves and the others around them. The novel 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher, follow the journey of a 17-year-old female-Hannah Baker- that commits suicide, and has left 13 tapes why she made the choice. This TV show is a common series that teenagers are watching; they are exposed to the topic of suicide. The television series shows scenes where Hannah felt that she was used and hurt by her peers, which then compels her to take her life. Hannah dealt with gossiping, rumors, bullying and harassment at school, which made her believe that she was useless and judged outside of school as well. Therefore, in the end, she

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