
Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

Decent Essays

With the thousands of Syrian refugees fleeing from their homes to seek asylum in better conditions, the United States prefers to not let them come into our borders. Even though the United States did let some Syrians in a few years back, there are many ideas supporting the reasoning’s to why they prefer to not continue letting these Syrians migrate here. In recent polls, fifty three percent of Americans are claiming that the United States should not accept any more Syrian refugees. After the recent attacks on Pairs, many Americans have begun to grow more fearful and doubtful of allowing Syrians into the borders of their country. One of the large reasons behind the denial of the refugees is because of their religion. While some say that Islam …show more content…

Many of the media outlets have ignored the environment issues that come along with all of the refugees. The settlements of refugees usually have more of a negative impact on the environment rather than positive. The temporary settlement areas that Syrians are designated too are usually in environmentally sensitive areas. These refugees usually stay in their asylum countries for longer periods of time that anticipated which ends up having a prolonged impact on the environment as well (Stockmore). The UNCHER notes that the most significant problems that impact the environment are deforestation, soil erosion and the depletion and pollution of water sources. The overload of refugees results in many water systems to be over used, resulting in the wide spread of diseases. While these environmental issues are being more focused in the Middle East, a few Americans have noticed and have began taking the issue into their consideration. While the environmental issues are not in the main focus of the media, it does pose a large issue that would take years to revive from if it were to happen in the United States. The overpopulation of Syrian refugees coming to areas in the United States would also introduce the issue of maintenance. While the United States can barley take care of their own

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