
Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

Decent Essays

School can isnt easy for everybody. Though school can be a burden already, extending schools to year round may help the struggling students, help teachers financially, and students won’t forget as much over a big break.
To begin with schools is not easy for everyone every school has their talented and struggling children. Most schools are 180 then we have our year rounds which can be more beneficial to the struggling children. As you can tell year round means that the kids will have more time in the classroom which can give them extra help, and help the excel better than what they were before. A calendar where kids where kids have big breaks and multiple days off may throw kids learning interest off balance. As stated in the article Year-Round Schooling Offers Benefits Over a Traditional Calendar “ Modified, balanced calendars can effectively maintain student interest in learning.” Instead of students having big on and off breaks every now and then they can have coordinated breaks and be more focused instead of thinking about what they're going to do over spring or …show more content…

Th year round schools causes teacher to be more dedicated to their students form a greater bond and makes them financially stable for what they perhaps they would be happier at their job and a job that you love and is happy doing is not really a job. Such changes have already taking place in areas like Virginia also stated in the same in the same article. It is expected for teachers and students to have time adjusting to this new school plan but after a while it turned out to be a great outcome for student learning and a great income for teachers pockets. This “modified-calendar” can be the best solution and reasoning for year round

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