School can isnt easy for everybody. Though school can be a burden already, extending schools to year round may help the struggling students, help teachers financially, and students won’t forget as much over a big break.
To begin with schools is not easy for everyone every school has their talented and struggling children. Most schools are 180 then we have our year rounds which can be more beneficial to the struggling children. As you can tell year round means that the kids will have more time in the classroom which can give them extra help, and help the excel better than what they were before. A calendar where kids where kids have big breaks and multiple days off may throw kids learning interest off balance. As stated in the article Year-Round Schooling Offers Benefits Over a Traditional Calendar “ Modified, balanced calendars can effectively maintain student interest in learning.” Instead of students having big on and off breaks every now and then they can have coordinated breaks and be more focused instead of thinking about what they're going to do over spring or
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Th year round schools causes teacher to be more dedicated to their students form a greater bond and makes them financially stable for what they perhaps they would be happier at their job and a job that you love and is happy doing is not really a job. Such changes have already taking place in areas like Virginia also stated in the same in the same article. It is expected for teachers and students to have time adjusting to this new school plan but after a while it turned out to be a great outcome for student learning and a great income for teachers pockets. This “modified-calendar” can be the best solution and reasoning for year round
Year round school calendars aren’t the best idea we’ve had to improve our educational systems. This is just one of many ideas we’ve had. Year round schooling has affected families, students, and required maintenance in many negative ways.
If there is year round schooling, there is a higher potential level and students would benefit from having year-round schooling. There are year round schooling which would cause a lot less distractions through the school year. “Suppose in the year round school program, there’s a break every six or eight weeks; that means as soon as students begin to feel settled, they’re off again. If shortened breaks come too frequently, as they’d almost have to in the new system, it becomes harder for students to ever get
The final reason why schools should have a year-round schedule is students can go on more family trips. According to Year Round School, “Usually
In America most public schools go to school on a 10-month system established when America was mainly agriculture, and the children had to work in the fields during the summer. Year-round school was first used in the early 1900s to fight overcrowding and underfunding. It wasn’t until the 60s that year-round school was used again when a school in California became the first school to use it since 1904. I believe that the school schedule is fine the way it is. Some of the cons of year-round school are students can’t have summer jobs, most programs such as lunch and buses cost more, and extracurricular conflicts.
Imagine a school year that gave the students one week off after every quarter and every Friday off. Does this sound exciting and rich with possibilities? Then ask the superintendent of the school district to consider year round school with only four days per week.First, students would not forget what they learned over the long summer. Next, parents would not have to get day care except on Fridays instead of the whole summer. Finally, teachers and students would have better relationships as they spend more time together instead of being rushed. Let’s take a look at some proof.
To start with, if schools offered year round school, the kids wouldn’t forget as much information over the big, long, and fun summer. For example, if you go to balanced school year, yes you would have to go to school earlier, but you won’t have to review all the boring stuff from the previous year. In the long run it will help you out a lot. Also, you can be enjoying your extra-long break while other kids are in school, learning and being tortured.
Some school are not traditional in that way. Many are starting to have school all year round. It seems like it would be a greater work load on everyone, but it’s just the same as it is for traditional schools. The different is that year round schools would have longer breaks around holidays. For example during the week of Thanksgiving would get an entire week off instead of just two or three days. Another huge upside would be the Christmas break. This year the San Diego unified school district gets of December 18 all the way through January 15. That is just over a month off! You may argue that it is too much off after a break in the middle of the school year. The upside of it though is that schools have finals right before winter break. That does not mean students can forget that information, but they won’t have to study over break. When they get back to school it is a new semester for everyone.
The data in this graph is relevant because research shows that a year-round school calendar eliminates more time than a traditional school year calendar. The balanced calendar shows how many days students are given for short and limited breaks. (Bennecke, Tammy). The disadvantages of year- round school schedule interferes with summer break activities, travel, employment, sports and band practice and competition. Year-round school calendar limits time for teachers to update skills and earn advanced degrees. The traditional school year calendar has been popular in the United States and Canada. Student achievement and test scores remain competitive in a traditional school calendar year. (Bennecke, Tammy). School districts save money for the budgets and finances with the traditional school schedule calendar. Summer vacation helps tourism and the
Is the traditional school calendar really the best option for your local school system? Maybe, having a year-round schooling system would be best. Year-round education is when schools operate on a 180 day school calendar with frequent breaks. Year-round calendars also don’t include a long summer vacation(Melissa Kelly, February 21,2017). A traditional school in America has a 10-month school calendar, but, many are switching to the year-round calendar. Some are switching to maintain more consistent instruction. A few others are switching in order to save money(Grace Chen, July 2017, Public School Review). There are over 3,000 year-round schools in the United States today. Year-round schools first started in major cities or towns like, Chicago, Boston, Washington D.C., Cleveland, Buffalo and Detroit. But, Los Angeles has the most year-round schools, over 500, in the nation. And there are only 10% of public school students who attend a year-round school. This can be beneficial for both teachers,students and even the families involved. The dropout rate is 2% lower than traditional schools( Niche ,2016). The absence rate is also lower, about 1% lower to be exact. This type of system can increase the school building capacity which means there’s no overcrowding. More education would be provided to lower income families or a child that is disabled. Studies also show that year-round schools have higher test scores than traditional schools. Changing the traditional school calendar
While attending schools that use balanced scheduling, the breaks that are implemented throughout the school year may be shorter, but you get a broad variety of breaks for various occasions. YRE, or the “balanced calendar,” helps to minimize the months worth of learning loss that students tend to experience during a typical summer break (Chittom et al.). The focus of implementing a year-round school calendar is a convenient way to ignore larger problems concerning the educational system that are not easily solved. Among year round education you retain more knowledge, get more breaks throughout the year, and score higher and your assessments. The student health and learning abilities are key to having success while getting classes done. With that being said, one of the most beneficial points of year-round education is student capability.
Traditional schools make kids very stressed out and that’s what makes the dropout rates goes up so bad. Students can’t handle all the work they have to do and they still have things to do outside of school. Students that are in year-round schools they never are stressed out as much as students that are in traditional school are. When year-round students get out of school for the three weeks they can seat back and relax and don’t have to be back at the school after the nine weeks is over. But, but traditional school they will be back to school the next day after nine weeks is
Concerning year round school, some people see no problem with what has been a part of Americana. It is a time for vacations, playing, and an all-around good time, but that is not the case for everyone. Transitioning to a more balanced year-round schedule still provides a decent break for children and faculty, as well as provide programs that enrich young minds, provide a safe place for kids who otherwise would have nowhere else to go, and it can help give those same kids a meal they would not have had available to
Many schools are considering switching to year around school schedules. Some people might not understand what this means. ”Students in most American year-round school districts spend the same amount of days in class as students in traditional calendar schools- the days are just arranged differently, with smaller more frequent breaks throughout the year” (McMullen, 2001). Holton should not consider this schedule because it does not improve students learning, year round school would interfere with family vacations, and it makes trying to get a summer job for teens difficult.
Students can sometimes complain about how long the school year is and how they cannot wait for summer. There is a solution to this problem and it is known as year-round schooling. This helps to fix many problems for students. It gives them vacation time between each semester, allowing their brains to have a time of rest. Also, with a shorter summer break it allows for student´s brains to not forget extensive amounts of information. Since students do not lose the information over the summer this accounts for less reviewing time and more time to learn about new subjects. With more education upon the student it allows them to test higher than other non-year-round schoolers. There are year-round schools and they should spread throughout all high schools, in the United States, because it will be beneficial to the students.
The idea of year round schools with extended is not completely ludicrous and does have notable and more desirable qualities that can benefit both students and teachers. First of, by having extended periods of time where students are not necessarily required to continue utilizing what they have learned, they will forget principles and lessons that have been taught at their schools. If students are not always reviewing, practicing, and applying what they have learned, time is wasted the consecutive school year. Teachers must spend class time reviewing concepts that should have been learned the previous year; therefore, students are behind from others who remember or take their own time out to continue learning out of school, and students who are enrolled in year round