
Persuasive Essay : Should School Start Late?

Decent Essays

In more than 40 states, at least 75% of public schools start earlier than 8:30am, according to a report by the CDC. Physicians recommend teens should get at least 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep per night. Those who do not get the recommended amount of sleep, face a number of health risks that can have serious consequences on their mental and physical well-being. There are many dangers associated with a lack of sleep, especially for adolescents, therefore school should start later in the day to prevent these risks such as ; poor health, abusing prescription drugs and energy drinks. According to many studies conducted by sleep experts, sleep is very much needed, especially for teens. Not getting enough sleep can lead to lack of alertness, car accidents,depression, impaired memory and even the greater likelihood of having a stroke. Strangely enough most teachers believe school should start earlier to keep kids out of trouble. However this pushes teens to abuse prescription drugs that will keep them alert and to help focus in class, some of the popular drugs teens use are Adderall,Concerta, Ritalin, and Vyvanse according to a study conducted by Michigan University (may 20,2013). These drugs can cause serious life threatening damage, for example, acute exhaustion, abnormal heart rhythms, and addiction, if they are not prescribed to the teen themself by a Doctorhbj, or if they are not used appropriately. Not only does the school day starting so early lead teens to abuse drugs,

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