
Persuasive Essay Technology

Decent Essays

Google - Technology Essay Technology has become inescapable. Whether you're in a store, at school, or even at church, there's technology all around you being used in many different ways. It's changed the way we live our everyday lives, whether we notice it or not. Technology is used to check you out at the grocery store, it allows you to pass in your assignment at eleven fifty-nine the night before it's due, it even has given our soldiers the ability to walk again, but do these good impacts overshadow our ability to see its negative impacts? And if the good truly does overshadow the bad, is that okay? On a personal level, technology has affected my own life by helping me maintain relationships, possibly hindering my reading ability, and by becoming a necessity for everyday life. It's become infectious, not only for me, but for the majority of its users. The question is though, is this constant use really hurting us, and if so, are we ready to stop it? Technology, specifically the internet and social media networks, has allowed us to connect with people from anywhere, whenever we want. This ability to connect has allowed me to maintain relationships that I might not have been able to maintain otherwise. As I have moved around the state several times during the entirety of my childhood, I don't see the people I want to as much as I wish. The clashing of schedules makes it hard to keep in touch, let alone having a family and adding their schedules on top of it all. I, like

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