
Persuasive Essay Zoos

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If the population of Earth was dying, would it be better for someone to help regenerate the population? If people were hunting you down for parts of your body, would you want to be protected? What about the chance to live a longer life because you were cared for? Many years ago, zoos were cruel and abusive to animals that came, but ever since then zoos have changed to become more habitable for the animals. Before we became a safe haven for animals, we were just people wanting to collect them and put them in cages. Although zoos can be bad for animals, animals should stay in zoos because they are protected from hunters and predators, decreases the population of endangered species, and the animals live longer. When animals are in zoos they are protected from many hunters and predators. When animals are in the wild their lives are at risk because of the humans and predators. According to the article, The Impact of Animal Protection,” Keeping animals protected has proven to be beneficial and increase the population of endangered animals.” Although some people may say they hunt for the meat, it still stands that when an animal species is being hunted for its body parts and not to nurture or care for a family it …show more content…

When animals are in the wild many of them go extinct, or die off. As seen in the article, The Impact of Animal Protection, like zoos and other organizations help to protect these types of animals. Many animals go extinct right before your eyes, such as the African Elephant. Many organizations like National Geographic are working to save this species from going extinct. Although some people think it is better for them to go extinct rather than to go through the same fate again, it still stands to reason that many organizations want to help these animals repopulate around the world. This means that when a species is in grave danger of extinction; people need to help them grow and

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