I am writing you today to request an improvement to the parking on the side of James Madison Drive in Vienna. The road side parking along this street provides critical, but challenging parking for high school students. The area is very uneven, rough and has big dips and drop offs. This is causing students to park parallel creating a lack of space for more cars. There are efficient ways to fix this problem. The area on the side of James Madison Drive needs to be paved or smoothed with gravel. The parking is very unorganized and messy. When a driver is parking they do not necessarily line up right next to the car that has already parked beside them. There are a lot of instances where there is a tight, odd shaped parking spot that leaves little room for a person to get out of their car. I can say this from experience since I park there daily and have seen and witnesses this numerous times. Cars are just desperate for a spot and go for anything they can get into no matter the size. People should feel safe while parking there and not worry if a car will park dangerously close. …show more content…
Many of the cars that students drive to Madison High School are about the size of a SUV making it a struggle for the cars to park in front of the trees because then they stick out into the road. This causes a hazard for the cars driving down the road having to stop and wait for the other side of traffic to clear in order to maneuver around the cars. Students usually back into park if they do not parallel park and while doing that of course they are looking behind them to make sure that they do not run into the fence, a tree or both. This draws their focus away from the cars surrounding them causing a greater risk for them to run into the car next to them to dodge the
As my friends and I sit at the stop light waiting to turn into the parking lot I notice that a lot of cars are coming and going, in and out of
Students attending classes at the PACI building must either park on Waverley Street or on the side streets on Waverley Hill. The Waverley Street parking is frequently filled by hospital workers who use it as day parking instead of the paid parkade closer to the hospital, which effectively makes it unavailable to our students or to the other institutions close to Waverley Park. The distance to this parkade from our building makes it impractical for our students to use.
The reason why this issue matters is because of the problems it causes for the people in this city. For one, the insanely large amount of people causes space issues. Cars are being parked on both sides of the tiny roads, barely big enough to get through without cars on the side of the road. Residents driveways are being parked on by those who do not live there. David Watts stated that “the UFA has indicated that they may not be able to get their firetrucks and ambulances down some of the neighborhood streets in an emergency” (Watts 2015). The amount of people at the reservoir is so enormous that people who are going to the reservoir do not even have enough room to play in
My observation focuses around Berkeley, with an emphasis on streets on the perimeter of campus. The first section is on Bancroft Way west of Bowditch. The street is a two-lane one-way street, with parking available each side. The parking spaces are regulated not by parking meters, but rather by a parking permit dispenser. There are metal poles next to each parking space, which most likely used to be parking meters. The parking fee is a whopping $3.25/hour rate, discouraging motorists from long-term parking. The parking spots are divided and marked; studies show that unmarked parking spots will fit a higher total number of cars, whereas spots with paint delineating boundaries will fit less. One
We located a sample pool of automobiles that accurately reflected the socio-economic demographic of the Livermore area to determine the type of cars owned in the community. From this sample we determined the range in car sizes that would be parking in the new parking structure. We measured a sample of the automobile’s lengths and widths to determine the mean and deviation of the vehicles the new parking structure would need to accommodate.
Though students are not the only ones suffering from the parking issue. According to the FIUSM Editorial, “FIU’s status as a commuter school should mean the University has enough parking spaces available to fulfill the need of its community. But, it doesn’t. The University’s parking problem is not just a student problem, it’s affects the community as a whole (FIUSM Editorial).” To get this point across I plan to use a solution argument to be able to properly state the solutions to the parking problem Florida International University has provided, and show the flaws that the services have within them and ways that we could better than to actually make an impact on the commuting students parking experience. I decided on this purpose because many people already know Florida International University has a parking issue, as well as many universities around the country, but to be able to offer them alternatives to be able to help the problem seems to be the best way to go rather than just informing them of what they already know
Early Wednesday morning university’s parking lots full to capacity, but students yet in their cars trying to locate parking everywhere they can, they didn’t care about the long walk to classes from the parking areas or even
As you can imagine, parking for that many guests isn’t possible unless the majority of us park elsewhere in the morning of May 9. So, we need some teamwork to pull this off. There will be no DPR staff cars in the lot that day whatsoever, but we will still need about 10 other people other to park elsewhere. We are asking all supervisors to make plans with their team for alternative parking on Tuesday.
railroad crossing. You should not park closer than 50 feet from a railroad, unless there are signs
416 Diamond Creek Road Mankato, Minnesota 56001 March 21, 2018 Mr. Dahline Principal Mankato East High School 2600 Hoffman Road Mankato, Minnesota 56001 Dear Mr. Dahline: I would like to address the rules concerning our Student Parking Lot at Mankato East High School. I do not feel that it is fair that students are required to spend one hundred and eighty dollars on a parking pass to park in the parking lot. I feel that this is a very high price to be put on students who wish to drive to school, which would be the majority of the sophomore, junior, and senior classes. I think that students who are planning to drive to school and park their cars in the lot should simply apply for a parking pass in the beginning of the school year, and then be
Finding a space for parking in City Height proves difficult, as most are already taken, but I manage to navigate into a space in a neighborhood lined with houses and front yards. Walking onto University Avenue, I pass a vibrant collection of local businesses buildings such as tortillerias, one stop shop clothing stores, travel agencies, autoshops and supermercados painted in bright pinks, greens, and blues with Spanish banners. In my awe of all the colors, I almost bump into a fellow pedestrian moving fast down the sidewalk, and realize the heavy amount of pedestrian and bike traffic for an early weekday morning. My eyes rise above the single-story business buildings and lock onto a modern, multi-story, muted auburn colors rising above the
Adam complains about parking at least three time a day. He is late to economics class every Tuesday and Thursday, and Professor Willis simply cannot take it anymore. Professor Willis told Adam that he needs to wake up earlier in order to get a spot on campus, but sleep is vital to all college students. Sleep should not be compensated for the time to find parking. Adelphi should instead listen to the proposal in this essay, which deals with the plan of action to create more parking spots on campus. Spots are limited, and Adam is not alone. There is a large number of people who have a problem finding a parking spot. Parking is the number one problem on campus for both residents and commuters and a solution is needed. Adelphi has the money and power to create more parking spots on campus by extending both of the underground parking lots. The benefits of extending the underground parking lots will allow for Adelphi to cut down on their shuttle service, permit all students to park on campus, and for less accidents to occur.
What we can be assured of is when hundreds converge on one building, the traffic can be a nightmare, and the risk to kids is increased. Separating vehicles and children can be a real challenge for schools.
There are currently only a handful of reserved spaces on campus, and the ground has yet to be broken for the construction of the parking deck. In fact, Winthrop University does not even have all the funds needed to build this parking deck. When I approached Jack Allen, of Campus Police, with my idea of reserved parking spaces, he told me that he thought it was a good idea. Walter Hardin, when given the same idea, seemed to think that the reserved parking system would not realistically work out but was open to the proposal.
The driver is not sure where to start and is never sure how long it will take before they find a spot that is safe and convenient. Most of the time it will not be convenient and it is not necessarily a safe place to be walking alone. This part of Dayton has some strange wanderers, people who are mean and not very smart. As you dig and tare through the haystack and it gets close to being all in pieces, you know that you must be getting close because it has to be in there somewhere. The story is different when trying to find a legal parking space. The driver could go up and down every row a million times and if nobody has left or if the space requires a permit, the driver might be out of luck.