
Persuasive Letter To Parking

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I am writing you today to request an improvement to the parking on the side of James Madison Drive in Vienna. The road side parking along this street provides critical, but challenging parking for high school students. The area is very uneven, rough and has big dips and drop offs. This is causing students to park parallel creating a lack of space for more cars. There are efficient ways to fix this problem. The area on the side of James Madison Drive needs to be paved or smoothed with gravel. The parking is very unorganized and messy. When a driver is parking they do not necessarily line up right next to the car that has already parked beside them. There are a lot of instances where there is a tight, odd shaped parking spot that leaves little room for a person to get out of their car. I can say this from experience since I park there daily and have seen and witnesses this numerous times. Cars are just desperate for a spot and go for anything they can get into no matter the size. People should feel safe while parking there and not worry if a car will park dangerously close. …show more content…

Many of the cars that students drive to Madison High School are about the size of a SUV making it a struggle for the cars to park in front of the trees because then they stick out into the road. This causes a hazard for the cars driving down the road having to stop and wait for the other side of traffic to clear in order to maneuver around the cars. Students usually back into park if they do not parallel park and while doing that of course they are looking behind them to make sure that they do not run into the fence, a tree or both. This draws their focus away from the cars surrounding them causing a greater risk for them to run into the car next to them to dodge the

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