
Persuasive Speech On Racism

Decent Essays

I haven’t had a good rant in a while, and now seems to be a perfectly good time for one. I don’t think in his heart, Trump is a racist – he might be a misogynist – but not a true racist. I do think his was, and is, unprepared for the rigors of being the President of the United States of America. I also believe he is a coward because speak out against inequity but fuels the fire with “Building Walls” and now the repeal of DACA. I just taught a class today, 95 percent Hispanic, and many of these students use DACA to get an education and stay in this country. I have talked to many of these students, and not one of them came over on their own when they were one or two-years of age, but all came here with the parents who were fleeing economic degradation in Mexico – NAFTA – to find a better life. They, and their families, work and pay taxes, buy goods, support our local economy, want to get an education, and want to become citizens, but the process is too expensive, and time consuming. They are just as American as you and me. I had a student, who was undocumented, came over when he was one, but didn’t qualify for the Dream Act, so he worked, and put himself through Community College two classes at a time. I asked him why he doesn’t become a citizen (I had just started moved to California, so this was all new to me). He said he wanted too, but the only way he could do so was to go back to Mexico for ten-years. “My family left because of the cartels,” he said in tears, “I

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