
Persuasive Speech On Slaughterhouse, House Of Slaughter

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I have some questions for you: Is slavery-owner, victim, profit, domination - exclusive to the human race? have not cows been enslaved? If they are not saved what are they, free? Slaughterhouse, house of slaughter.

Today we are going to talk about the world’s forgotten victims: Animals.
And the world’s strongest and oldest addiction: Meat

Besides psychological and physical abuse, torture, dismemberment and murder, what do you think happens to animals inside of a slaughterhouse? Do you really think there is such a thing as humane slaughter? Exactly what is your definition of humane? Besides psychological and physical abuse, torture, and murder, what else do you think happens to animals inside of a slaughterhouse? Do you think …show more content…

Cornell and Harvard are saying that the optimum count of meat for a healthy diet is precisely ZERO. Meat causes a wide range of cancers and heart disease.

It takes 50,00 litres of drinking water to produce one kilo of beef. Today 1 billion people are hungry. 20 million people will die from malnutrition. Cutting meat by only 10% will feed 100 million people. And Eliminating meat will end starvation forever.

Only 100 billion people have ever lived. 7 billion are live today. And we torture and kill 2 billion animals every week. 10,000 entire species are wiped out every year because of the actions of one species. we are now facing the 6th mass extinction in cosmological history. If any other organism did this, a biologist would call him a virus.


Definition: The Melbourne Cup is one of Australia's most prestigious Thoroughbred horse …show more content…

That is one horse killed every 2.9 days. Woah, think about that. The cup is displayed to most of the world as a big fun party, a race between the best horse, a chance to dress up and place a bet, wear a fancy hat, get wasted and have a good old time. When the reality is horses are being beaten, drugged and pushed to their absolute limits in order to race. Once they are ‘no good’ anymore to race, they are sent to slaughter for pet food! Your very own dog may have consumed bits of Admire Rakti, the course who died immediately after the Melbourne 2014 cup. Admire Rakti was pushed beyond the extremes of what its body could withstand without

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