
Persuasive Speech: The Heifer School Milk Feeding Program

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This is my 5 year old daughter Madison who has never known what it's like to be without food or drink. She especially doesn't know what it's like to be without milk, a good source of calcium and vitamin D. Together with Heifer International, we want to share with you ways that you can help others less fortunate than you are. Did you know that September 27th is School Milk Day? My kids have been in school since the middle of August, and I pay a monthly fee for them to enjoy a school lunch which includes a meal and of course school milk. My kids just love milk and if there's no milk in our refrigerator I'd hear about it. They have to have milk for their cereal, milk for snack and what goes well with cookies, milk of course. I have to admit …show more content…

They know, just like we do, that proper nutrition is essential to learning and students should be focused on learning instead of their hunger. Just one packet of milk contains at least a quarter of the daily calcium requirement needed for a child, and since the program was introduced, 1,742 students in the Njombe region has received 200ml packets of pasteurized milk and will continue to receive a FREE, daily packet of fresh milk everyday Monday - Friday during the school year. I also love their "cow to classroom" initiative which this video fully describes. I believe in sustainable farming. Growing up in the Caribbean, my family owned their own chickens so we got eggs daily. We also had sheep and goat and would get milk from our goats. With the Cows to Classroom program, it helps famers increase their income, reduce poverty and in turn help gets milk to classrooms. I call that a win-win situation. Credit: Heifer International So How Can You Help? We spend hundreds of dollars on designer coffee yearly, but did you know that just $75 can provide one student with fresh milk for an entire school year? That's just 40 cents a day! However, you can make a donation of any size. It doesn't matter how big or small, every donation

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