
Peyton Approved Case Study

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Peyton Approved is a family owned business that has experienced significant growth in bakery and merchandise sales. As a result, Peyton Approved recently expanded into a new manufacturing facility to increase overall production. The new facility has been in operation for three months with the move out of a home-based into a factory based operational mode, and it is essential to review the operational budget. A quarterly review will ensure that appropriate planning, coordination, communication, and benchmarking is performed so that the business is making the proper spending decisions, and that a unified plan is created to meet overall business goals (Miller-Nobles, Mattison, & Matsumura, 2016). As such, the operating budget and variances along …show more content…

In assessing the variance report, both favorable and unfavorable areas were found in the materials and labor results. First, the direct materials variances report indicated a favorable outcome for the cost/price variance with no variance reported between actual and budgeted costs. The lack of variation is an indication that the expected materials expenses were unchanged from planned to actual results. However, the report exposed a $7,750 unfavorable variance in materials efficiency. The unfavorable difference in materials efficiency is an indication that more materials were used in the production than were anticipated which could be a sign of incorrect calculation of standards, inferior materials, spoilage, equipment, or staff issues (Benge, n.d.). Overall, the unfavorable materials efficiency variance resulted in a total difference of $7,750 for direct materials. Next, the direct labor variance report revealed that there was a $33,000 favorable result for the cost of labor. While more hours were required, the price of labor was less than budgeted. However, the labor efficiency variance indicated that there was an unfavorable variance of $48,000. This difference which is an indication that production takes longer than anticipated is proven by actual hours of 33000 instead of 30000. Overall, the unfavorable labor efficiency variance resulted …show more content…

First, the materials efficiency variance was noted as unfavorable because 1,000 more units were used than budgeted. Since materials efficiency variances result from a variety of causes, including materials quality, spoilage, training, and equipment (Benge, n.d.). The next area to investigate are the labor variances which showed the cost, while favorable, was a difference of $1.00 per hour. Further, the efficiency was unfavorable, indicating that production required an additional 3,000 hours over budget, which could be the result of staff training, faulty equipment, or low-quality materials (Direct labor efficiency variance - explanation, formula, example, reasons. 2016). Since there appears to be a lower cost of labor than anticipated, but higher materials and hourly utilization rate, it is possible that new lower cost staff were hired resulting in slower production rates and elevated materials utilization. As such, the production manager should be consulted to investigate the cause of these variances and to put proper corrective actions into place (Miller-Nobles et al.,

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