
Philosophy Of Experiential Learning On The Contemporary Business Market

Decent Essays

To be successful in the contemporary business market, a candidate needs a repertoire of knowledge forged equally from experience and from education. After earning my undergraduate degree, I accepted a position with a private transportation firm and entered the workforce. My time working as an administration manager exposed me to the demands of a fast-paced private market. I learned to adapt quickly to meet the needs of my employer and the clients that my company served. Now it is time to enhance my work experience with education. I decided to invest in an MSA/MBA to gain the leadership and accounting theory necessary to achieve my goal of working in public accounting. I believe that Northeastern’s D’Armore-McKim School of Business will impart me with robust and relevant skills, which, along with my work experience, will make me competitive in the current job market.
I am drawn to Northeastern’s philosophy of experiential learning. Hands-on practice is invaluable. The three-month internship incorporated into the MSA/MBA program provides a student with the opportunity to apply newly learned skills to real world situations. In addition, it allows an employer to evaluate a student’s potential as a permanent employee. During my internship, I hope to demonstrate my worth to an employer and convert my internship into a permanent job.
I have set a goal to network with my peers in the program and to leave Northeastern not only with two strong graduate degrees but also with a strong

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