
Physical Abuse: The Joker And Harley Quinn

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Perhaps one of the most iconic relationships of our time lies within the Batman comic book series and television series. The Joker and Harley Quinn’s relationship has inspired numerous people to create costumes, writings, and art all based on the love these two characters have for each other; however, most seem to overlook the actual dynamics of their relationship. The Joker physically and verbally abuses Harley Quinn. Harley Quinn’s character never displays the physical effects of the Joker’s abuse for long, but the mental effects can be seen developing in her personality throughout the series. Victims of physical abuse may retain visible scars, which are only one side of the story. The other side of the story involves what happens to the …show more content…

Childhood physical abuse has been shown to have a correlation with the development of many disorders. Arthritis, hypertension, and some heart diseases have all been shown to have a higher rate of appearance in victims of past abuse. In victims where sexual abuse was also a part of the physical abuse, sexually transmitted diseases are a foremost concern. According to Margaret R. Hammerschlag, M.D., “multiple episodes of abuse” can greatly increase a child’s and/or an adult’s chance of acquiring a sexually transmitted disease. Because different diseases can vary in incubation periods, these effects can lie dormant up to years after the abuse has stopped and remain undetected. The article “The Long-term Health Outcomes of Childhood Abuse” states that many victims also report having chronic pain in areas such as the pelvic, back, breast, and abdomen that develops or appears in later …show more content…

These effects may remain undetected for years after the abuse has stopped. The four major effects are physical disorders, substance abuse, mental damage, and death. Physical disorders, such as arthritis and sexually transmitted diseases, can remain dormant and unnoticed until later years within one’s life and when they appear may cause severe problems for the person. Abuse can also lead to victims abusing substances such as drugs and alcohol. Victims of abuse are more likely to attempt drugs that are highly addicting, like cocaine, heroine, and amphetamines. Physical abuse has the potential to trigger psychological and emotional damage. Common troubles victims face are developing psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. Death or suicide caused by abuse to a person is probably the most severe effect. Approximately four to seven children die a day due to abuse and another six will die from committing suicide. Physical abuse may leave visible scars, but it is the scars that cannot be seen that have the potential to cause the most

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