
Physical Development in Middle Childhood Essay

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The physical, cognitive and socio-emotional domains of human development are influenced by diverse factors. Phases of development extend from the beginnings of human life and continue throughout the lifespan. These developmental phases are characterised by a range of features including brain development, language development and social development amongst others.

Gross motor skills include activities such as running, skipping and jumping. They involve the use of the body’s larger muscle groups. Gross motor skills greatly improve in middle childhood due to increased muscle mass, strength and coordination (McDevitt and & Ormrod, 2010). These skills also improve with practice and repetition which can be provided by participation in the …show more content…

A child who is isolated by illness may well develop depression and find it hard to resume socialising on his return to school . Consequently he may be behind in both physical and social development and confront the daunting task of recovery. Between the ages of five and twelve years the brain undergoes great development and growth. The increase in neurons and connections promotes the development of fine motor skills. This physiological change is a prerequisite for motor skill refinement and growth.
Family income is another factor in the development of the child. A poorer family may not be able to afford healthy food. They may be uneducated about good nutrition. Their child may miss out on the nutrition that a good diet delivers. In many homes television and video games are more readily accessible recreational activities. When both parents work they may not have the time to supervise extra-curricular activities. Time-constrained parents may also more frequently choose fast foods, over- looking nutrition for convenience.
The learning environment for middle childhood (as for all others) should be both stimulating and encouraging . The classroom should accommodate the needs of all its students. It is the responsibility of the teacher to be cognizant of their various beliefs and customs. The Australian classroom is becoming increasingly multicultural (Witsel , 2003). By acknowledging a child’s culture and the constraints that

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