
Physical Restraint And Nursing Home Facilities

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This is a review of literature related to physical restraint use in nursing home care facilities. The number of studies related to this topic is extremely limited and significantly outdated. More research is needed to understand the effects and experience of physical restraint use in nursing home facilities. Through conducting research on this topic, it is apparent that more research is needed to fully understand physical restraint use. This literature review include: nursing and psychiatric hospitals, underreporting use of restraints, nursing interventions, effective management of residents, informed consent and federal regulations. Minnesota passed a law in 1999 (Minnesota Statute 144.651, subdivision 33) which established explicitly the right of residents or residents ' decision makers to request physical restraints. It also specified that legitimate medical reasons for using a physical restraint include: "1) a concern for the physical safety of the resident; and 2) physical or psychological needs expressed by a resident. A resident 's fear of falling may be the basis of a medical symptom." Studies in the 1980’s indicated that restraints were more likely to cause harm rather than prevent it. Restraints caused many detrimental effects that included strangulation, bone loss or the patient becoming weak. Ultimately being restrained oftentimes caused an individual to be embarrassed, angry or even humiliated. Many of the residents became depressed, agitated or withdrawn;

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