Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership
Task 1
It is critical to have an understanding of nursing-sensitive indicators in order to provide safe, quality, compassionate and satisfactory patient care. In this scenario, applying restraints to Mr. J, a demented patient with hip fracture seems appropriate. However, it is standard practice that restraints are to be removed as soon as possible, and the patient in restraints may need assistance to change position every two hours. In Mr. J’s scenario, there should have been a bedside commode, and a urinal for him to use at the bedside so he does not have to walk very far to the restroom. As for the CNA, if she was well trained, she would have been able to recognize the marks on his spine
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J’s scenario is pressure ulcer. From analyzing Mr. J’s case one can see the correlation between the use of restraints and pressure ulcers. Obtaining data listed on the Braden Scale such as moisture, mobility, activity, and nutrition are important when assessing for pressure ulcer risks. Once the collected data indicates the patient is high risk then the established pressure ulcer protocol needs to be followed. Nurses will need to minimize friction, support bony surfaces, manage moisture, and maintain adequate nutrition to advance quality patient care. The other nursing-sensitive indicator in this case is restraints. As I have mentioned earlier the use of restraints in Mr. J’s case seems appropriate as he pose great fall risk which may further complicate his current health condition. However, it is important to perform a complete assessment on the parameters for restraint such as cognitive functioning, history of dementia, physical impairment, and drug interactions to determine the need for restraints. When restraint is clinically indicated, and the benefits outweigh the risks then protocol for restraints has to be followed. Once the patient is restrained, it is standard practice that restraints are to be removed as soon as possible, and the patient in restraints will need assistance to change position every two hours. B) To improve quality patient care throughout the hospital, the quality improvement department should scrutinize, and keep track of the
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Type of event, training, or exercise: (actual event, table top, functional or full-scale exercise, pre-identified planned event, training, seminar, workshop, drill, game, etc.)
The Joint Commission is scheduled to visit Nightingale Community Hospital for its triennial accreditation survey within the next 13 months. The purpose of this document is to provide senior leadership with an outline of the hospital’s current compliance status in the Priority Focus Area of Communication. Recommendations for corrective action are included in this document which are designed to bring the organization into full compliance in the areas where deficits have been identified.
b. Restraints should be used as a last resort on patients that are at a high risk for hurting either themselves or others. If this particular hospital is found to be overusing their restraints, they should look into why this is happening and where it is happening most often. What is the patient to staff ratio? Are acuities being considered when staffing the unit? If restraints are being overused, maybe a shortage of staff could be to blame.
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1.) Information Confidentiality: As an employee, you will be exposed to client-sensitive as well as company-sensitive information that is to be viewed only by those who have the authority or permission to do so. Such information to be considered “confidential” includes business contracts, financial information, internal correspondence, and any and all documentation (electronic or paper-based) that is not authorized to be disclosed to the public. Disclosure of sensitive information will lead to immediate termination and possible charges/fines (depending on the severity of the violation) as is legal under state and federal law. Employees should not
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The healthcare systems of Switzerland and the United States are quite similar in some aspects and vastly different in others. In Switzerland, the healthcare is universal and available to all. It is provided by private individual insurance companies and subsidized by the government when needed. Basic health insurance is required to be purchased within 3 months of residency or after birth and is an individual’s choice as to what carrier they choose. Of course, there are exceptions to this mandate but they are very few.("Healthcare in Switzerland," “n.d.”, para. 1) Because of this requirement, 99.5% of the population in Switzerland has
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By educating staff on nursing sensitive indicators and the issues that need to be addressed, could advance the quality of patient care throughout the hospital. In this case, educating hospital staff on ways to prevent restraint use and pressure sore prevention, the staff could have possible prevented the use of restraints and the pressure sore. Also, by educating staff on how to use restraints would be
Developing positive relationships is important within most situations in life, a good way of ensuring these positive relationships progress is to ensure you have effective communication. When working with children if you complicate things it can lead to the child becoming confused as to what is expected of them. Make sure the language that you use is age appropriate to avoid confusion. You may be able to see if the child has understood your request by either checking that your instructions have been carried out or simply by asking the child "do you understand?" and asking them to relay back what you have asked. Communication is a two way thing and to have a positive relationship with somebody you will also
20). Further, the presence of pressure ulcers places a burden on patients and their family (Grinspun, 2005, p.21). As recommended by Grinspun (2005), pillows and foam wedges to separate prominences of the body and lifting devices have been beneficial to avoid friction (p. 32). Research suggests that the majority of pressure ulcers can be avoided. Although, the population at risk likely suffers from the possible contributors, as stated repositioning at least every 2 hours or sooner was effective (Grinspun, 2005, p. 32). When practicing I will reposition patients at appropriate times to reduce the risk of damage to the skin. Additionally, when moving a patient up in bed, I will request adequate assistance from other nursing staff to use a lifting device. This will help to avoid friction while the patient is being moved, ultimately reducing the development of pressure
The purpose of this paper is to critique the research article, Mohler & Meyer’s “Attitude of nurses towards the use of restraints in geriatric care: A systemic review of qualitative and quantitative study 2014. The incident I am going to discuss in this paper is of Mr. P., an 85-year-old man, admitted to this facility about 4 months ago. His history includes coronary heart disease, cataract, dementia, hypertension, macular degeneration and Alzheimer’s. Mr P. scored 28 of 30 on the Folstein Mini-Mental State Test, he missed the date and recalled 2 of 3 objects in 5 minutes (Folstein, Folstein, and McHugh 1973). His medications include; Analgesics, antihypertensions, antipsychotics
That being stated, if a patient must be placed on restraints, qualified professionals must have a comprehensive understanding of patient outcomes that correspond with the use of restraints. First and foremost, skin integrity is placed at risk if proper placement and management of patient care while in restraints is not implemented as with the case of Mr. J. There is numerous evidence based research studies conducted that correlate the use of restrains with an increase in pressure ulcers (Baumgarten, Margolis, Localio, Kagan, Lowe, Kinosian, Abbuhi & Abbuhi, 2010).
While the use of physical restraint on elderly patients is necessary in specific situations, the practice should be very limited at all times. Although it will continue to be used worldwide, measures must be taken by all healthcare providers to gradually minimize the use of restraints in healthcare facilities, reduce the risks that are associated with the practice, offer reasonable alternatives for patient care, and ensure the safety of the patients as well as their caregivers.