
Essay on Physics in Everyday Life

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Physics in Everyday Life


Just about everything you do from moving to eating to listening to music involves physics. Now that I have really explored them I think it is hard to go about our day and not do something that involves physics. Some of the things I will talk about are getting out of bed, the eye and how eye glasses help a person see better, speakers, the Frisbee, sailing, and the pulleys I use to get my jeep unstuck in the mud when I ride in the woods. All of these require energy, and energy is what physics is all about. There is kinetic energy, potential energy, conservation of energy, velocity, acceleration, mass, force, and gravity. Energy gives you the ability to do work. Energy is everywhere in nature …show more content…

Conservation of energy is...TE = PE + KE + WE; where total energy is made up of potential energy, kinetic energy, and work energy. Your total energy is conserved while walking. The potential energy is the biochemical potential of your muscles and frame, which is converted by work into kinetic energy, which is the walking part. From a standing still point you need TE to total energy to push off with your foot. You need that force because the 1st law says your body is lazy and won't move unless pushed. But once you get going you can reduce that force a bit because his law also says once you get going your body wants to keep going. In fact, if you want to stop, you'll need to exert some force to do that.
The force to stop comes from the static friction of your foot or shoe against the bottom material it is on, such as a floor or cement outside. That creates the opposite reaction of Newton’s third law and as that force pushes you forward. While the forward momentum is going on you also have the force of gravity to deal with as well as keeping your balance. I looked into the physics of the eye itself and into corrective lenses because I wear glasses. The human eye is a very complex piece of anatomy. Like a camera, the eye is able to refract light and produce an image that can enable someone to see. The eye is an opaque eyeball filled with liquid. In the front of the eyeball is a transparent opening known as the cornea. The cornea is a thin membrane

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