My son, Pierre Brent, a student that recently transferred from S.T.N Community College, is being held liable for a portion of the Title IV funds that he was eligible to receive for the spring 2013 semester that had allegedly been refunded to him in error by the school. The financial administration has not resolved the matter, therefore, I am escalating this matter to your office for a solution.
My son was eligible for a Pell award of $5 for the 2012/2013 year of which $5 had been disbursed for the fall 2012 term and $1 for the spring 2013 term. However, $9 was applied toward his tuition and a Pell refund for $ and a Pell Book Advancement refund for $35 were issued to him by the school by mistake. Two years later, the mistake has been
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We called the bursar's office to discuss the matter and were referred to T R Daley, the financial aid director but she referred me to Sam Wong who referred me to the director of the bursar's office, Tony Carson. After reviewing the facts of the case, Mr. Carson lifted the hold on my son's account but told me he did not have the jurisdiction to waive the charges. He said he would refer the facts to Ms. Daley and organize a conference call with her and me but soon after he stopped answering my calls. Instead, I spoke to Sam Wong who referred me back to Ms. Daley who then referred me back to Mr. Carson's office. So I was forced to contact Ms. Daley again and finally a conference call was set up. However, during the conference call, instead of resolving the situation at hand, Ms. Daley chose to question my son as if to criminalize him about the refund disbursed to him and then abruptly exited the conference shortly thereafter. There was absolutely zero responsibility taken for the mistake that had occurred. Mr. Carson then referred the case to the ombudsman who also provided no solution.
This is what the president spoke of in his State of the Union address when he said he wanted to hold institutions more accountable. He even proposed to increase educational funding so that students could attend community colleges for free. He is also moving ahead to expand federal income-based repayment programs and working with Senator Alexander to simplify student federal aid. In this case, however, the community college is blaming the student for accepting the financial aid refund issued to him by the school and now, two years later, demanding that he pay the funds
CASE CITATION: Kurt HOME and Brenda Home, husband and wife, Appellants, v. NORTH KITSAP SCHOOL DISTRICT, Respondent.NORTH KITSAP SCHOOL DISTRICT, Third-Party Plaintiff, v. JOHN GRAHAM ASSOCIATES, Third-Party Defendants. No. 21696-5-II. (1998)
This Court should deny the Plaintiff’s Motion to Amend because the statute of limitations has ran on his claims and the amendment does not relate back to the original complaint under 15(c). Plaintiff, Pourya Shahmaleki, filed a complaint against Kansas State University under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 on April 30, 2015, a few days before the statute of limitations ran out. After the
In mid-1999, a student by the name of B.J. Durham transferred schools as a result of his mother’s divorce and financial struggles. B.J. was a cross-country/track star at his previous school, Park Tudor Private High School, and was rumored to be moving for athletically-motivated reasons. Because of the hearsay, B.J. was not granted full-eligibility by the IHSAA but partial. B.J., the plaintiff in this case, was also denied access to the Hardship Exception which would’ve granted him athletic eligibility in full. B.J. and his family took their case to court. The court issued a permanent injunction against the IHSAA’s decision, to which the IHSAA later appealed. The court stood on their decision,
Did the trial court err in its determination that, under the Child Support Guidelines, as provided in § 12-204(i)(1), that the Defendant should contribute to private school via his child support payment
I am writing to make a Complaint against Millsaps College. Please find enclosed the letter written to Millsaps College President. My complaint is Millsaps College in violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) failed to preserve my educational record. As an act of bad faith the College failed to disclose to me that my records were not preserved and failed to ask if I had any documents which proved my claim.
The Plaintiff filed suit on April 7, 2015, in Livingston Parish for a 2004 loan made to Mr. Hollis through the CFS Private Education Undergraduate Loan Program by Charter One Bank, N.A. for $26,484.00 with a “Deferral Period Margin of 4.85, Repayment Period Margin of 4.85” and a Loan Origination Fee Percentage of 9.5.
In 1984, Grove City College officials, in order to keep an autonomous institution, did not accept federal funds or aids. However, things became complicated when the college accepted a large amount of students who received Basic Educational Opportunity Grants (BEOGs). Because grants are given by a federal bureau, the ED saw this as the Grove City College officials accepting federal funds. As a result, the ED put the Grove City under the order of TITLE IX; therefore, they also had to issue an Assurance of Compliance form and get Grove College City to sign it. When Grove City refused to sign the compliance form the ED cut off the financial aid to the students attending the college.
reported it to the school board. The school board pointed their finger at the state. The State Board
The debate of whether community college should be free or not has been going on for many years. For the most part, many students have been able to have free education even if the are low income or high income. Most students are able to have equal educational opportunity to be able to learn for around 12 years. If it has been going on for 12 years, then why not make higher education free as well. In the article written by Joanne Jacobs titled, “As He Promotes It, Some Question Obama’s Free Community College Idea” discusses the main arguments on whether Obama’s plan of making community college free plan can be a benefit or a waste of money. Community college offers the ability to be able to finish one’s first 2 years of their general general education plan at a free or reduced price compared to completing general ed a a 4 year institution. Community college should be free because it allows lower income students the ability to have their tuition paid as well as their books and it allows students to be able to earn their bachelor's at a better rate.
The CSW stated she researched and discovered that there was a hold on Alabama Office of Court (AOC). AOC had taken funds for three months and was holding the funds; we were not able to determine why there was a hold. The attorney’s office requested AOC to lift the hold and disbursed the funds. The payments for November 2015, December 2015, and January 2016 were sent to DHR in the amount of $1,106.20; the payment was never received in February 2016. The NCP needs to contact Social Security regarding February’s payment. The money was applied to the balances that were owed; $200.00 of the balance was genetic testing, which was not a part of the judgment on the NCP’s court order. There was a balance of $211.67 interest. After the $1,106.20 was applied against the balance that left an overpayment of $694.53 that was refunded to the NCP. In addition, a lien was placed on the NCP’s retirement check for $145.67, which was refunded to the NCP. DHR has received no additional payments, everything that had been overpaid has been refunded to the NCP, and the case is now
This resulted in another student not qualifying when he should have. This act relates to when
My daughter was enrolled in Ursuline Academy and was test out of Kindergarten into first grade in an accredited top ranked school known as Ridgewood Preparatory. Immediate I contacted Ursuline Academy in person after daughter attended one day of school. I was told in-person by the new business office manager that they would prorated the two days of attendance towards her previous payments. Next, I meet with the elemenatary deparment and I told her about the current situation. I mentioned to her the business office is going to prorate my daughters two days of attendance and refund the balance. Since Ursuline Acacdmy could not uphold their current contract of accessing children according to their abilities. Their false advertisment of accessing
Those who knew Bob Lyons thought extremely well of him. He was a highly successful executive who held an important position in a large company. As his superiors saw him, he was aggressive, with a knack for getting things done through other people. He worked hard and set a vigorous pace. He drove himself relentlessly. In less than ten years with his company, he had moved through several positions of responsibility.
There was not a real choice for the parents unless they researched on their own and use a different method of negotiation. However, the parents kept the negotiation method as explained by Fisher and Ury (2011), “the soft negotiation game emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining a relationship” (p. 9). They knew that if they were unsuccessful while defending their claims, the district could not pay Jerry’s education. However, they did not know all the rights that they had available to fight the decision.
When he asked for his daughter to have an alternative assignment, he was told no. When he informed the school that it was a violation of the Constitution to force his daughter to violate her religious beliefs for an