The Emperor’s Club was a very interesting film and I enjoyed watching it in class. There is a lot to say about character throughout the film and a lot reflects and correlates to what Brian Tracy suggests about human nature in Something for Nothing. Some of the correlations may be a bit of a stretch, but the same concepts definitely apply. For instance, the topics from the book that are speaking of welfare, cheating, politics, character, and teaching children can be seen in the film. The topic of welfare can be resembled in the film when the professor increases the grade of one student in order to allow him to be in the Julius Caesar competition. This resulted in another student not qualifying when he should have. This act relates to when …show more content…
Bell decided to cheat in the competition and the professor decided not to speak up and call him out. This event relates back to Tracy’s argument on criminology. Tracy suggest that the only way to stop criminal activity, or cheating in this case, is to “arrest and incarcerate him” (Tracy 159). Now, this is not applicable in this case. However, the concept of punishment is still a good proactive approach for events down the road. Tracy’s argument is that without punishment, criminals will continue to perform illegal activities simply because they do not think they will get caught. We can see how Tracy is correct in the film. Further down the road, Mr. Bell still continued to cheat while he was in the competition. Although it is not explicitly stated, it is likely this is how he received his chairmanship at the company as well. This goes to show how Tracy is correct in making the assertion that this is the only way to stop behavior such as this. When Mr. Bell was older, he even stated that he “lives in the real world where people do what they want to get what they want, whether it is lying or cheating”. Unless Mr. Bell receives punishment for his behavior, he will continue to make these decisions over and over
In Chapter 7 of our What Is Psychology textbook, we learned about the importance, details and strategies of memory techniques. One type of memory is Short Term, which only last up to thirty seconds before forgetting. Whenever has to remember a number or a name, they often repeat the information multiple times so that the Short Term Memory can transition into Long Term Memory. In order for this transition to occur, the information must be constantly repeated, or important enough to be held in the permanent memory, which helps create a “folder” with all retaining information and reminiscing. Another way short term can become long term is using a method called Chunking, this breaks the bigger pictures into smaller ones for the brain to remember,
Checked vital signs, administered medication as schedule, and reported accurate recording of patient weight while gathering collected routing specimens for the immediate supervisor.
Jaegwon Kim thinks that multiple realizability of mental properties would bring about the conclusion that psychology is most likely not a science. Several functionalists, specially, Fodor, take up the opposing stance to Kim, supporting that the multiple realizability of mental states is one of the reasons why psychology is an autonomous and justifiable science. Essentially, Kim think that in order for mental states to be multiply realizable then psychology must be fundamentally broken; with human psychology encompassing properties realized for humans and alien psychology encompassing those mental states realized in the alien way etc. I will demonstrate that even if one supports and allows the principles behind Kim’s argument they do not
In the non-fiction book, The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead by David Callahan the author criticizes the economic world. In the beginning parts of Callahan’s work, he specifically pin-point when cheating started to become an uncommon factor is succeeding. He reflects on as far back as Greek and Romans who were fined for cheating. In every decade there was a new factor to cheat in as the author highlights many cheating ordeals exposed through-out Americas history.
In the Movie, Temple Grandin, Temple is portrayed as a very sensitive girl, even though she does not comprehend emotions she feels them. Christopher on the other hand is not as sensitive as Temple he is a much more rational kind of person. When Temple first graduated from high school she spent the summer with her aunt at a farm, while she was at the farm she had a very strong connection with the animals. When Temple would see the animals felt pain she would feel pain and unlike most people she actually felt she had to make a change, after that point she dedicated her intellect to animals and improving their living standards. Temple went through a lot of fighting with her professors in order to major in animal husbandry. Temple believed that “Nature is cruel, but we don’t have to be” Temple Grandin. Temple acknowledged the problems in the world and decided to solve them and that takes someone not only who preservers but someone who is conscious of their emotions and listens to them. Christopher is not at all like Temple in this sense,
Lane addresses Bell in hopes that he can help her contribute to a change in behavior of the Texas Tech students. Furthermore, Lane believes that a change in student behavior at football games will have a positive impact on the Texas Tech football program as a whole. Lane writes, “I realize that you, as the Chief of Staff of football, have no control over the students’ responses during the games, but those responses have a direct correlation to the character and integrity of the Texas Tech football program as a whole.” By correlating a change in student behavior and a direct impact on the football program, Lane gives Bell a reason to help. Without any incentive, Bell might see the letter as “just another” compliant about the athletic
The student becomes a sort of “accessory,” or “accomplice of crime”. That notion is not a solution to solving the problem of cheating, instead, it instills guilt, and consequently stress, into students who could have seen something they may not have wanted to see. Students should not be the police; it is not their responsibility. Although, it is there responsibility to discourage cheating. If a student wants to inform a superior about cheating, that should be the student’s choice, and should be based the student’s own conviction, not because they do not want to be
When Dr. Plecki’s mother confronted him about the cheating scandal, he responded with anger just as though the failing system and injustice give him no choice, but to react the way he did. He used his father as an example. He was an immigrant who works hard to support the family, but what he got out of it was nothing more than a disappointment. As soon as his father became ill, the factory laid him off so that they don’t have to pay for his health insurance. How about when Dr. Plecki drove the student around and stopped at one of the prestigious school on the other side of the town. He pointed out, just because the people who live in the community are well off, the state decided to allocate more money to the school in that area. He goes on to implied that people lie, cheat so that they can be part of the better system. His justification is everyone else does it. Winning is the only way to overcome the injustice.
John Nash was extremely intelligent man but let his work take over a lot of his life. I would describe his attitude as cocky as he believed he was much smarter than others and loved to prove it which is shown in the beginning with the board game between him and Hanson. I figured that he was one that knew he was there for the education and not to party like his fellow classmates were doing. He would stay in his room studying and figuring out the hardest math problems and working them on the windows. Figuring out math problems was what made his day.The clues that were the most alarming were when Nash and Charles are sitting on the roof they are chatting on a university building roof and getting to know each other better. Nash and Charles are
Explanations of narcolepsy are in majority biological. Scientists have discovered that narcoleptics often are lacking in hypocretin which is a chemical in the brain that control sleep and wakefulness. A lack of this chemical may explain the sudden attacks of sleep.
"Why psychology isn't unified, and probably never will be" written by C.D. Green (2015) examines the history of psychology and opinions on how to reach unification. Overall, his arguments were satisfactory and provided many different opinions. He discussed plenty of different psychologists in history and how their ideas and models were either valid or irrelevant to unifying psychology. This was important in order to see how far this subject has come, and to understand that the problems with unifying this discipline are not new and have been a subject of debate for years. Green (2015) did a good job on describing what "unifying" meant to him and what psychology needed to achieve in order to become unified. He was able to back this up with past
The often asked question is the relationship between the theories of psychology and its application to human life for instance, individual life, mental life and subjectivity. Presently, efforts by writers to separate the three categories have seen light. Psychology itself cannot exist without a society which supports all its facts. Moreover, psychological object cannot be taken as independent, given, discovered but that which is discovered and comes before knowledge. Psychology can hence be seen in two perspectives: as a discipline and as a subject of human. A conclusion can be made that psychology exists in a domain that is constructed. This is contrary to science domain where truth
Crime is inevitable in society, whether it be in traditional societies or in modern society. However, with an action, there are always has to be a consequence, however when breaking the law, the consequences are rather bad, and sometimes harsh. This is called punishment. Discipline is enforcing acceptable patterns of behaviour and teaching obedience. In an excerpt called Discipline and Punish, contemporary theorist Michael Foucault explains these two concepts. This paper will summarize the author’s main points; provide a comparison with a theorist previously lectured on in class, as well as a personal interpretation of Foucault’s arguments.
History and Systems of Psychology is a course requirement offered to Psychology majors and minors. This course is used to provide majors and minors with the foundation and the evolution of the field of psychology. Within this class, many scholars of discussed. Two scholars that stood out to me in this course would be John Watson and Max Wertheimer. These two particular scholars are responsible for two of the most influential and famous schools of thought, behaviorism and Gestalt psychology. These two schools of thought are responsible for changing the field of psychology and introducing the field to new theories and ways of thinking. Although the two schools of thought are similar in being influential but they are different in many ways. The two schools of thought are even said to be contradictory of one another and one is even said to be the cause of the fading out of the other.
The movie I chose was, The War Of the Roses, it's a classic movie that features Danny DeVito and he's also