
How Does The Emperor's Club Relate To Psychology

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The Emperor’s Club was a very interesting film and I enjoyed watching it in class. There is a lot to say about character throughout the film and a lot reflects and correlates to what Brian Tracy suggests about human nature in Something for Nothing. Some of the correlations may be a bit of a stretch, but the same concepts definitely apply. For instance, the topics from the book that are speaking of welfare, cheating, politics, character, and teaching children can be seen in the film. The topic of welfare can be resembled in the film when the professor increases the grade of one student in order to allow him to be in the Julius Caesar competition. This resulted in another student not qualifying when he should have. This act relates to when …show more content…

Bell decided to cheat in the competition and the professor decided not to speak up and call him out. This event relates back to Tracy’s argument on criminology. Tracy suggest that the only way to stop criminal activity, or cheating in this case, is to “arrest and incarcerate him” (Tracy 159). Now, this is not applicable in this case. However, the concept of punishment is still a good proactive approach for events down the road. Tracy’s argument is that without punishment, criminals will continue to perform illegal activities simply because they do not think they will get caught. We can see how Tracy is correct in the film. Further down the road, Mr. Bell still continued to cheat while he was in the competition. Although it is not explicitly stated, it is likely this is how he received his chairmanship at the company as well. This goes to show how Tracy is correct in making the assertion that this is the only way to stop behavior such as this. When Mr. Bell was older, he even stated that he “lives in the real world where people do what they want to get what they want, whether it is lying or cheating”. Unless Mr. Bell receives punishment for his behavior, he will continue to make these decisions over and over

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