
Plagiarism Problems for Educators

Good Essays

When it is come to plagiarism, university writing educators are pessimistic about successfully eradicating this problem. It is difficult for them to find ways of promoting academic integrity so as to prevent university students from committing this academic fraud. Moreover, most of them just end up employing punitive enforcement or merely punishing students who plagiarize. Scott Jaschik, an editor of Inside Higher Ed, addresses this issue in "Winning Hearts and Minds in War on Plagiarism". This article, published in Inside Higher Ed in 2009, primarily targets university writing educators. In this article, he specifically explains educators' unique approaches to solve plagiarism. He also reveals different causes that induce students to …show more content…

Specifically, it will encourage the audience to reconsider their previous method of giving too much work. This reconsideration is essential as a first basis to changing the audience’s way of thinking to viewing plagiarism from students’ perspective. Moreover, the notion that educators cause students to plagiarize in this perspective will surprise the writing educators and will increase their empathy. Therefore, it will appeal to the audience’s interest and emotion and will grab their attention to further listen to what the students are saying. As he gets the audience's attention, Jaschik provides more student responses relating to the issue of being overwhelmed by the assignment. One student said, "I say that if you can get away with doing 30 minutes worth of plagiarism…then you my friend are efficient, not necessary bad person" (qtd. in Jaschik 263). This student's perspective further appeals to the audience logically by providing them a new angle to view plagiarism from the reason of efficiency. This reason also creates more interest in the university writing educators because it is a factor that they might not have realized before. However, this perspective possibly provokes anger amongst the audience who strongly values integrity in their students. This is because, unlike the previous perspective, this one shows that the student intentionally uses the reason of being efficient as an excuse to plagiarize.

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