
Plagiarism: Teitel And Dalhousie College

Decent Essays

Almost all colleges enforce policy when students commit plagiarism. With regard to plagiarism, two authors’ arguments differ. One of authors, Emma Teitel, a student in Dalhousie University, argued that the punishment of plagiarism is un-fare. She was punished for plagiarism in her third year. She claimed that she just made a technical mistake on her essay and did not intentionally plagiarize from another author’s work (Teitel, November 8, 2011). On the other hand, according to Todd Pettigrew, a professor in Kings University, colleges should make a rule clearly for plagiarized assignments depending on the number of offenses. For example, for student who commits plagiarism the second time should get a stronger punishment than the first offense. …show more content…

When Seneca college students are suspected that committing plagiarism, Academic Honesty Committee, Seneca college’s committee, determine the punishments and provide the procedure and Academic Honesty report form to students who have committed plagiarism offences. In addition, it notes the number of students’ breaches for determining penalties and make a meeting with suspended student and student advisors. In the case offended student disagrees with the decision, the committee provides Academic Appeal Request Form and considers the penalties (“Procedures”, 2015). Similarly, the College Hearings Committee, which Centennial college’s committee, decides the punishments and proceeds to the steps of enforcing the policy. The offended students should fill Breach of academic honesty form which provide form the college Hearings Committee. For making a proper decision of penalties, the committee records students’ history of offences. Moreover, if offended student disagrees with the decision, the committee applies College Appeal Board form and gives the judge of penalties (“Academic”, September, 2007). Thus both college’s committees make a decision to enforce the policy of plagiarism and record the history of …show more content…

While Seneca college have simple and clear number of steps for enforcing the penalties, Centennial college have complex and strict process for going the punishments. When plagiarism is occurred at Seneca College, offended students have to follow informal and formal processes by the decision of Academic Honesty Committee. Informal process is started when it is proved that student is not under suspicion about plagiarism anymore, however; suspected student have to be under formal process. At the beginning both informal and formal process, suspended student have to fill down the Academic Honesty Report form and summit the document to the committee. Within 10 business days, the Academic Honesty Committee will hold a meeting with suspended student and student advisor. In the case the committee determines the student commits plagiarism, applying penalties to the student as follows. 1st offended students normally get a grade “0” on the work and 2rd offended students normally get Fail in the course. The last, further violated students normally have withdrawal a period of two years. If the student disagrees with the committee’s decision, student must summit an Academic Appeal Request Form and can restart the process again (2015). On the other hand, Centennial College has complex and strict procedure. There are three departments in charge depending on seriousness of plagiarism. The departments are

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