
Plantar Fasciitis Essay

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The patient was present with plantar fasciitis due to a number of aetiologies. Most importantly, is the excessive pronation type of foot that was observed on clinical examination, resulted in lowering the medial longitudinal arch of her right foot. A study found that between 81 -86% of patient on examination with plantar fasciitis have been classified as having excessive pronation type of foot (Kwong et al., 1988). The theoretical basis for this finding is the high tension on the plantar fascia due to the arch lowering during walking and standing (Shama et al., 1983).
In addition, Roxas (2005) considered that plantar fasciitis is particularly present in women ages between 40 to 60. However, this 34-year-old patient stated that she started to suffer from heel pain 2 years ago. As this actually confirm the belief of Warren (1984), that plantar fasciitis can be present at almost every age.
With regard to the multi-therapy treatment plan, it was chosen for this patient to relieve pain and focused on:
Restoring muscle strength and tissue flexibility.
Reducing tissue stress.
All together contributed at the final outcome, which showed an increase improvement for both plantar fasciitis pain and foot function (figure 2.0). …show more content…

A study found that the combination of stretching and heel cup during the treatment plan of plantar fasciitis increases the success rate of the treatment to 95%, compared to a 70% success rate from only stretching treatment plan (Pfeiffer et al., 1999). This study was also designed to compare the effectiveness of custom made orthoses and prefabricated insoles combined with stretching, it stated that the use of custom orthotic devices with stretching was less effective than the use of prefabricated shoe insert with

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