
Pleasantville Color Analysis

Decent Essays

Colours cannot only serve as visually separating or connecting elements in a frame but also represent symbolic components inside a frame. Having already written papers on character constellation and notions of beauty in American Beauty, colour was another aspect that attracted my attention when watching the film for the very first time. Although one can detect numerous similarities in terms of framing between American Beauty, Revolutionary Road, and Shame, the importance of colour in all three films appears even more striking to me and was one of my main motivations to compare these films. Especially the colour red in American Beauty catched my eye and reminded me of Pleasantville, a film that deliberately utilises colour to support and convey …show more content…

Already the DVD covers point to a certain salience of red in American Beauty, blue in Shame, and white in Revolutionary Road; however, the films do not only conform in an equally striking importance of the use of colours, they also share similarities in meaning communicated by them. Since the semiotics of colour still depends on personal perception to a certain extent, this analysis indeed considers other critics’ opinions but is largely based on my personal receptions of the film and associations the use of colour has evoked in me. The focus of my observations is primarily set on how the shades of red, blue, and white as well as the general antithesis of warm and cold colours reflect Lester’s, Frank’s, and Brandon’s state of mind and their surroundings. Furthermore, lighting and the contrast of bright and dark are addressed and exemplified through incorporated screenshots of the films. Another outstanding aspect of effectively tying in form with meaning in all three films is their respective soundtrack; however, an in-depth analysis of the use of sound and music would go beyond the scope of this thesis and can thus be considered an interesting approach for addressings

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