
Policy Change Management And Its Effects On The Environment

Good Essays

2.6 Change Management
Policy change management refers to making amendments to policies in a systematic manner. It also encompasses all responses channelled towards a cause of change which may be beyond the control of the organization’s management or may be needed to either sure the success of the policy or reduce the impact of the failure (The Pathfinder Project, 2003). It is without any contradiction that in this dynamic environment, polices cannot be rigid due to a series of factors such as new legislation, social unrest, commodity prices that may impact positively or negatively on the environment. This assertion is even strengthened by the fact that policies cannot exist independently from intervening variables. This section will not …show more content…

Change within the policy process could also be responsive to triggers of change within the system. Managing the change that may happen during the policy process from policy initiation to its implementation help ensure that the policy succeed. The implementation is particularly more important as it is the aspect that “gets the job done”.

Even the most detailed policy implementation plan may still be subjected to changes due to sometimes anticipated but often unplanned outcome of a complex of many decisions structured at different levels and sometimes power distribution between groups involved in the various stages of implementing the policy (Terpstra & Havinga 2001). According to (Sutton 1999), the policy process research is a combination of the study of stability and change (transformation or flexibility). Stability: because a strong and robust system is needed to bring about desirable outcomes and change: because there must be a response to continuing changing demands of end users and the environment. Stability may be the enemy of change but stability itself must be brought about by a preceding change and so is a function of change. Grote (2009) puts it beautifully asserting that: organisations have had to continuously adjust the balance between stability and flexibility in order to

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