
Port Prospect

Decent Essays

The city of Port Prospect, which has around 50,000 inhabitants decided to follow the privatization path by contracting out the majority of its services. The city Of Port Prospect now is ready to analyze two different possibilities to privatize itself. Denhardt & Denhardt (2015) the public administrator accepts internal benchmarks as the reflections of its own decisions. Public serves also is sensitive and reactive about he influence that he has on his job as well as the impact within the community (pg.7). On this particular case the City of Port Prospect’s major should comply with the premise that Denhardt refers to in order to fulfill its main duties as well as comply with the community’s needs. According Denhardt (2015) public servers should be held accountable to institution’s standards, public interest, and constitutional law (pg. 123) The first option to have services provided to The City of Port Prospect would manage at least 100 …show more content…

This specific measure could provide efficient services to the city like in the case of Sandy Springs. The city of Sandy Springs has successfully incorporated in 2005 to a company named CH2 HILL .As a result the city of Sandy Springs does not have current liabilities and its services have met standards of efficiency. Based on that premise the contractor has overseen the process and that the bids with subcontractors were essentially offering prime services. Furthermore, CH2 Hill has also implemented a system where customer service hot lines is offered 24/7 and complaints were resolved and address accordingly without any red tape (ReasonTV,2011). Having the example of Sandy Spring it is evident that the premise of contracting a company to take over the subcontractors’ hiring as well as all services provided should be the best- case scenario to take advantage of the privatization model

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