The city of Port Prospect, which has around 50,000 inhabitants decided to follow the privatization path by contracting out the majority of its services. The city Of Port Prospect now is ready to analyze two different possibilities to privatize itself. Denhardt & Denhardt (2015) the public administrator accepts internal benchmarks as the reflections of its own decisions. Public serves also is sensitive and reactive about he influence that he has on his job as well as the impact within the community (pg.7). On this particular case the City of Port Prospect’s major should comply with the premise that Denhardt refers to in order to fulfill its main duties as well as comply with the community’s needs. According Denhardt (2015) public servers should be held accountable to institution’s standards, public interest, and constitutional law (pg. 123) The first option to have services provided to The City of Port Prospect would manage at least 100 …show more content…
This specific measure could provide efficient services to the city like in the case of Sandy Springs. The city of Sandy Springs has successfully incorporated in 2005 to a company named CH2 HILL .As a result the city of Sandy Springs does not have current liabilities and its services have met standards of efficiency. Based on that premise the contractor has overseen the process and that the bids with subcontractors were essentially offering prime services. Furthermore, CH2 Hill has also implemented a system where customer service hot lines is offered 24/7 and complaints were resolved and address accordingly without any red tape (ReasonTV,2011). Having the example of Sandy Spring it is evident that the premise of contracting a company to take over the subcontractors’ hiring as well as all services provided should be the best- case scenario to take advantage of the privatization model
Privatisation is where a previously public owned firm is sold privately usually to generate a large capital sum or to reduce the burden on the public sector. Privatisation refers to the changing of ownership from a state-owned to a privately owned entity. It is usually done three ways which usually are the sale of assets, contracting out and deregulation. Therefore by privatising the MHPA, it means that the ownership of the enterprise would change to a privately owned firm from a state owned firm and therefore this would bring about a large amount of potential changes in the way that the firm is run and operates.
5- If the administration continues to outsource city services through competitive bidding and assuming the private sector is able to aggressively under bid the city, the administration will have to dismiss the idle workforce, selloff unused fixed assets and update the ABC estimates accordingly. As the number of outsourced contracts grows in count and size, the administration will also need to enhance its contracting and performance
Additionally, as a representative I will like 100% compensation for my client which is equivalent to $600 million. A second primary issue is federal loan and my client will like to see little or no federal loan, because if the DCR spends less money on this project it will mean that they will be able to loan more money to the other ports. A third primary issue is favoring unlimited union preference, simple because of fairness. The other ports in the region are unionized, therefore the new port should also face the same labor costs. A fourth primary issue is industry mix and I am interested for the new port to be limited to only clean industries. My client believes that Harborco will be less competitive if its highly restricted. On the other hand, a secondary issue will be ecological impact, because the other ports are not concern with this issue. On the other hand, I can predict that one of the primary issues for Harborco is to get a loan from the DCR, because they have the authority to give that loan. Also, to develop a primary dirty industry mix, because they will be more profitable if they operate any industry. On the other hand, secondary issues for Harborco are ecology and labor union, because these issues can be resolve later on. The tangibles for this negotiation are license application, compensation for
Privatization has grown exponentially over the years as the government continues to try to find more economic ways to conduct business. Through the use of contracts, this is achieved by utilizing the lowest bidder. Should the work being done not meet the standards set forth, the contract is not renewed and the process begins again saving the government money by not having to hire Civil Servants who are then employees of the government, whom do not have a contract and are very difficult to get rid of should their work not be satisfactory.
Procurement intends to explore supply market opportunities and to implement resourcing strategies that deliver the best possible supply outcome to the organization, its stakeholders and clients (Kidd, 2005). Therefore, construction procurement exists to purchase a construction project as requirement of firms or organizational entities to achieve its goals. However, the choice to use external resources is the part of firms’ decision-making
Also, we expect our public service to do the best it can with the community resources available to it. Yet there is usually great mismanagement in the public sector, Yet nobody act to resolve this issue or call the minister to order because it will harm the government’s standing and may cost it votes. This portrays a consequence of a community supported reward system unavoidably biased against good public sector management.
First, the ethical dilemma itself will be outlined. In the construction industry, it is often necessary for an owner or a construction company to enlist the help of other smaller or more specialized companies in the completion of a project. This practice is known as contracting. When an owner or company, referred to as the contractor, wants to contract out for a job, they will list the job and interested companies will bid for the contract. When arriving at a bid amount, interested companies will estimate
In this analysis we will review a case titled “The Dilemma at the Public Service Department.” We will be discussing different issues, amongst them are: opinions on the honesty, malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance, accountability, competence, and why these particular responsibilities are identified. We will also discuss certain trade-offs made by the commissioner’s loyalty to the department as well as the governor, and public interest. We will also be discussing three barriers when it comes to deciding how the governor will be approached, along with the basic elements that are recommended in strategic management planning.
In this research paper I will discuss the process of contracting out, issues of cost, credibility, accountability, and quality and quantity of services. My discussion will also include reasons for contracting out, opposition, and advantages and problems of contracting out.
Procurement by public entities is guided by primary law principles of transparency, equal treatment and non-discrimination, procurement laws sets up an extensive legal framework regarding the procurement of work, supply and service contracts. There are two main reasons for the use of specific procedures i.e. why contracting authorities do not just negotiate or simply buy from the closest supplier. First, it provides for more public accountability and therefore less cases of corruption practices. Additionally, tendering procedures aim to ensure the best value for money by making it necessary for suppliers to act highly competitive. As a result, market mechanisms will help in facilitating the best possible practices. In situations where market mechanisms are not effective, tender procedures might lose their effectiveness as well. If for example there is lack of competition due to certain complexities or as a result of lower bidder interest, negotiations with just one or two suppliers may be the most efficient manner to handle the process. Therefore, we discuss the inherent advantages and disadvantages of sealed bidding and contracting by negotiation as procedural frameworks for tendering.
In this paper, I will define privatization and explore different published articles that discuss contracting out to the
One way to see public administration in action is by attending a city council meeting, whether it be in an urban or rural area, public administration still has a part in each event. As Kettl (2018; p. 244) referenced in his book, there is not a civil system that would be sustainable without strong leadership. This paper will discuss the author’s description, observation, and reflection during a city council meeting.
My Introductory to Public Administration class has taught me the range that can come with public administration. Public administrators are employed in all levels of government, across various fields including social welfare, financial administration, and human resources (Denhardt, 2014, p. 1). Despite the various type of public administration jobs that exist, the one thing all public administrators are required to do is to maintain a commitment to public service (Denhardt, 2014, p. 1). In order to better understand how public administrators are responsive to public interests, I was assigned the task of interviewing a professional in public administration. I chose to interview Jeanell Emond, program manager for Central Valley Prevention Program (CVPP) and Mental Health Systems (MHS), because of my future in social work and my interest in developing and managing programs that benefit the community. Through the interview I was able to gain valuable insight on the agency and Mrs. Emond’s role as a public administrator. More importantly, I was able to learn how interorganizational partnerships, financial management, ethics, and leadership and management skills in public administration can help develop stronger communities.
By discussing some of the advantages and disadvantages of administration and politics dichotomy, an opinion of whether it is useful or impossible will be made. Wilson’s politics administration dichotomy refers to the idea that administrative decisions need to be made without political influence. One argument to this is that politics has transformed, let’s say, the role of a city manager from a neutral expert to a problem solver and dichotomy should be replaced with an expanded base of professional values for them.
Facility management includes a wide range of services which has led to the emergence of a large unorganized sector. The unorganized sector consists of a number of small players with focus on one or two services like security or cleaning. There are more than a thousand unorganized players in the market who