
Portland Group Summary

Good Essays

The Portland string quartet video and discussion was valuable in my opinion. The video illustrated many of the skills needed to be an effective and successful team. I thought the video was a nice change from the role plays we did in class. In the video the quartet embodied many values of an effective team and articulated these skills in ways that it made sense for their team.
Overall, what made the quartet successful was having a common goal, which was to sound like one instrument versus an individual. This goal allowed the team to work toward one common theme and provided a platform for constructive conflict, which they engaged in regularly. As simple as it sounds to have a common goal, the truth is there is often not a clear defined goal …show more content…

This allowed them to engage in constructive conflict, which was exclusively about the task at hand, playing in harmony, versus about offending the other members on a personal level. This type of task conflict allowed for the quartet to share their opinions and have constant awareness of how each team member was feeling. It also created an environment which held each member accountable for how they performed because if one member sounded off, the overall performance would be impacted. Engaging in constructive, task-oriented conflict is incredibly important and can only take place if you trust the team members you are working with. The quartet deeply trusted each other. This is something not all teams have. My job consists of being a part of many various teams, which all have different levels of trust. However, I believe by helping shape the process and conversations of the team I can help each of the teams I am on engage in constructive task-oriented conflict. For example, asking for and encouraging team member’s opinions on a particular project with the common goal of creating efficiencies to alleviate rework is something I know I could get all colleagues I work with to rally behind, it is just a matter of keeping everyone focused on the task versus the personal …show more content…

I work with many colleagues who work remote across the United States and I am constantly looking for ways to engage these employees on a regular basis. Through our discussion on virtual teams there were a few points that I think are useful when managing and engaging a virtual team. The first is making sure the team meets face-to-face in the beginning, this way team members view each other as people versus just someone they email. The second is taking advantage of video conferencing versus just using conference calls. This is something my company has the capability to do, but shys away from. This is one vehicle I think we need to become more comfortable using if we want to be successful as a remote teams. In addition, the video “conference call in real life” was a funny, yet realistic interpretation of exactly what happens during conference calls. It served as a reminder to be engaged and present in the now versus multitasking while on a call. Lastly, the role play we did on conference call I thought was particularly interesting. To be honest it was actually really hard to come to a decision as a team on the call without seeing the other team member’s visual cues. There were often awkward silences and people talking over each other as a result of not being able to read visual cues. It really showed how difficult it can be as a new team to try and accomplish things virtually.

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