
Positive And Negative Effects Of Online Computer Games

Decent Essays


We know that Ramon Torres Sagasa National High School Students are also engage in online computer games nowadays such as, league of legends, cross fire, dota2 and other online games. Those types of games is needed an internet connection in order for the students to play.

In using online computer games has a positive and negative effects to the user's. Video matches make the positive effects because enjoying video games get a new brain's specific. The way as the students learn how to take a look and mastering the keyboard of a computer and its deliver to this mind on how to be effective and wiser. Many student say that when they play an online computer games can minimize their stress regarding to their family problems and also in the too much pressure in …show more content…

It seeks answer to the following questions.

1.) What are the positive effects of playing online computer games to the students in their:

1.1 Attitude 1.2 Education 1.3 Study hobbits

2.) What are the negative effects of playing online computer games to the students in their:

2.1 Attitude 2.2 Education 2.3 Study hobbits

3.) Is there any improvement to the students in terms of their education if they are playing online computer games?

4.) Does the online computer games helps to the student's in their study habits?

Hypotheses of the Study:

1.) The students improve their skills in hands on computer and also in their communication skills.

2.) They have an advantages regarding in using any computer system compare to the others who do not know how to use a computer.

3.) They can go along with in the generation nowadays.

Significance of the study:

This study aims to know what are the positive and negative effects of online computer games to the student’s in terms of their:

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