
Positive And Negative Effects Of Religion In Society

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Religion can be used in many ways by our civilization. It is a creation, made by humankind, intended to show us some reasonings, answer questions we can’t explain and give us comfort and the warm feeling of never endless love. According to Freud, religion is more than that, it is a “psychical infantilism” that “succeeds in sparing many people an individual neurosis” (Freud, 15) I think that having a religion and being religious or spiritual can be separated and, in that sense, being religious is good for each individual, but having a religion and strongly following it can lead to people losing their sense of self.
The whole book “Civilization and its discontents” by Freud talks about civilization and how it affects human happiness. Freud says “ Happiness in the strictest sense comes from the (preferably sudden) satisfaction of needs which have been dammed up to a high degree, and it is from its nature only possible as an episodic phenomenon.” (Freud,9) In other words, we can’t be truly happy, since the need of our libido can never be satisfied in a civilized world, full of restrictions. However, many of us think they are happy, but according to Freud, people are not truly feeling happy, they just have ways to imitate the feeling, by substituting their pleasure needs with things like art, science, drugs and of course religion. (Freud, 9-13) According to Freud, religion is an illusion, a psychic formation that makes us think that we are happy.
The restrictions put on people

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