
Positive Theories Of Atonement

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The Theories of Atonement and the Impact on the Christian Life Jesus Christ lived on earth more than 2000 years ago (John 1:14). He interacted with mankind, both Jew and Gentile (Matthew 8:5-13), as the human offspring of a woman (Matthew 1:18), married to a carpenter in Nazareth (Mark 6:1-6). However, the issue is not whether he was human but rather his deity as the Son of God. Moreover, it is specifically of import to testify of the significance of his resurrection after his horrendously brutal death. Thus, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the pinnacle of Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15: 12-19) and the theology of atonement must be brought into view and examined. Atonement Theories
Over the years four theories or models have risen to prominent discussion with various levels of agreement and contention. Atonement is the method whereby humanity’s sins are forgiven and amends made (Romans 5:10; 2 Corinthians 5:19,20). As such, “[one] could atone for his sin only by suffering eternally the penalty affixed to transgression” (Berkhof, n.d. p. 2). The atonement models for consideration are: Satisfaction, Christus Victor, Exemplar and Penal Substitution. The value of each will be considered and weighed by scriptural and theological mass.
According to Bird, “St. Anselm of Canterberry (1033-1109) avowed…the satisfaction theory identifies Jesus’ death as a means by which restitution is made [to God] as an alternative to punishment” (2013, p. 397).

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