
Post Apocalyptic Stories

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Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic narratives require the author(s) to make their work credible enough for the audience to suspend disbelief and allows themselves to become immersed into the narrative. The author(s) can portray this with the setting of the oncoming, occurring, or preceding apocalyptic event. The time frame should coincide with the society at the time of the event or be able to explain why society is the way it has become. The imagery the creator(s) should paint vivid pictures of their apocalyptic world while still appealing to the audience. The themes within the narrative should not be far fetched, but rather relatable to audience as many people picture themselves as survivors through the end of days and would experience the …show more content…

The time frame from the audience to the the catastrophic event and the event itself (being nuclear war) is plausible enough to have an impact on the audience. The settings of the explosions being unexpected in both stories play into the Cold War paranoia from the 50’s and the nuclear fear that is present in today’s media. The theme of nature and life carrying on after humans can be unsettling for most people as humans have made ourselves top of the food chain for so long. Those who are lucky enough to have survived the explosions in both settings must partake in primal survival of the fittest. “The fittest” may be those that use violence without caution and make self preservation the ultimate goal. These stories use apocalyptic imagery such as “radioactive glow” and buildings turned into rubble and ashes effectively to portray the destruction these settings have endured. Man’s best friend, a dog, being incorporated in Bradbury’s story and Fallout allow the audience to connect with the story and become invested. All theses common elements between these post-apocalyptic narratives contribute to the popularity and success because they are effective at producing a plausible scenario that the grabs the audience’s

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