
Post Heart Catheterization Treatment Essay

Decent Essays

After a heart catheterization is completed, whether or not an intervention was performed, the physician will remove the catheter from the patient. Either the physician will remove the sheath in the Cath. Lab, or it will be removed by trained nursing personnel in the unit. Before removing the sheath vitals are closely monitored, sometimes as often as every 5 minutes during the pull. After the physician/nurse removes the sheath, pressure is applied just above the insertion site to help occlude the insertion site and promote hemostasis. This pressure is applied for at least 10-15 minutes to ensure clotting. Then, a medicated or non-medicated dressing is applied to the insertion site along with manual pressure. The medicated dressings …show more content…

During this monitoring, the nurse should perform vital signs. According to Silvestri (2014) he/she should assess the patient’s cardiac rhythm for dysrhythmias, chest pain, peripheral pulse, color, warmth and sensation of the extremity distal to the insertion site. If the patient is experiencing dysrhythmias, chest pain, loss of peripheral pulse, the limb has turned pale or cyanotic, cool to touch or if the patient complains of numbness and tingling of the extremity distal to the insertion site, the surgeon must be called promptly. The nurse should also assess the compression device or sandbag to make sure it is secure. He/she should assess the pressure dressing for bleeding or a hematoma. Should there be active bleeding, the nurse should apply direct manual pressure to the insertion site and get help to call the surgeon. The surgeon should also be called when a hematoma develops. The nurse should be monitoring the patient for nausea, vomiting, rash or any other signs of hypersensitivity (Silvestri, 2014). It is important for the nurse to instruct the patient of the importance of their compliance with positioning. The patient will be instructed to keep the affected extremity extended for 4 – 6 hours as prescribed by the surgeon to prevent arterial occlusion. When the antecubital site is used during the procedure the arm can be

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