
Post Korean War Relations And The Rise Of The People 's Republic Of China

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Post Korean War Relations and the Rise of the People’s Republic of China

The Korean War was able to develop the People’s Republic of China as a major up and coming nation. The mid 1950s saw the rise of Chinese agricultural collectivization, making them an influential power in the world. With the country improving every year that passes, Mao wanted to move in the direction of Socialism, but was worried that those in the CCP were restricting him on making that leap. In a statement in 1957, Mao claimed that the Imperialist nations, like the United States, are more afraid of Socialist nations than the other way around (p.198). Mao shows how the transition into Socialism has created increased tension between Sino-Soviet relations. He states, “At present there exists some controversies between Chine and the Soviet Union. Their ways of thinking, behavior, and historical traditions differ from ours” (p.198). This was the first public statement made by the Chinese that distanced themselves away from Soviet authority. Mao’s response to these differences is that they must try to persuade them. He says that there are differences within the Communist party, and that many of those different ideas are on par with what he wants to bring using Socialism (p.199). As Mao became more powerful, and people started buying into his system more and more, he was able to implement his first major plan of the Chinese Revolution: The Great Leap Forward. As this plan got major attention within China

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