
Post Modern America in 2050

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Postmodern America in 2050 1 Running Head: POSTMODERN AMERICA IN 2050 Alexis Rios Dr. Ronald San Nicolas SOC 1000 Introduction to Sociology Hawaii Pacific University Postmodern America in 2050 2 Postmodern America in 2050 2050, the year that many people are talking about. It is considered the half of the 21st Century. Many things will happen between now and for the next 40 years. People think that many good things will happen during this year, but scientists and sociologists have a different view of the events that will occur when this year comes. In this paper I will identify three changes that will occur by 2050 and how they will affect society as a whole, but only one will be researched in depth. The …show more content…

As a family, overpopulation means less space for building a house. Parents will be forced to have only one to two children if allowed by the government. Rules regarding birth will be very strict. Group and organizations will be challenged because they will have to make decisions whether to hire or fire personnel. This will have a negative impact in societal groups. Postmodern America in 2050 4 Overpopulation will have a great impact in culture because of immigration. Many cultures will experience sharing multiple languages, religions, race, etc. Migration can be voluntary or involuntary and throughout history we all have seeing both. Voluntary when people decided to move to larger cities by their own choice. Involuntary when the Spaniards brought the slaves from Africa. Also, another impact in culture will be that diverse families will grow. Demographic studies will vary depending on the mortality and fertility of the population. Our textbook defines three important terms regarding fertility. They were fertility which is the incidence of childbearing in a country’s population; fecundity which is a maximum possible childbearing and is reduced by cultural norms, finances, and personal choice; and crude birth which is the number of live births in a given year for every 1,000 people in a population (Macionis, p. 580). Also, the author explained the terms of mortality and crude death rate. Which are the opposite of fertility.

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