
The Development Of The 21st Century

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“The 21st Century” we approach in an accelerated way to the new millennium, some changes are already visual and some others we don’t even imagine what they are. We all have to be prepare for those changes full of opportunities but of uncertainties as well. Many changes in technology, and communications just to mention a few. The whole environment will be very different, the big challenge will be to prepare and learn to live in this new environment due to the fact that not all of us are prepare for the big step. Given this dynamic, the education system its one of those that will have a very important challenge so as the nursing field and individuals should question himself and rethink about its principles and objectives as a lifestyle and not look at it as a change, reinvent teaching methods and organizational systems it’s the key and understand the nursing-new technology concept relationship and the process of learning itself will help understand those new changes and advances in technology that will facilitate the nursing jobs. Therefore, the need to repeat again and again, over and over again, some of the innovative ideas that have achieved a certain consensus over the years, but not with the expected results. There are many emerging technologies that will change the practice of nursing in the coming decade. Our research explains more than seven of those and those are the following; genetics and genomics; less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnosis and

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