The aim of this journal is to relate the experiences I have had in my first practicum, the situations I have faced there and also to talk about some problems that occurs inside the school and I have noticed, these problems are related with the students and the teacher who is in charge of me.
The school I am in is called “Escuela República de Suecia” and it is located in Valparaiso, specifically on a hill called Playa Ancha. I was given two classes the first grade and the sixth grade, so I am going to focus this journal mainly in those classes.
To analyze the school I am going to give a broad description of it, including how many students it has, the socioeconomic status of the students, and finally I will also present a problem that I have
the articles I read, I came across information about "Energy Story”, "Conducting Solutions" and a video clip titled "Hands-On Science with Squishy Circuits".
1.2 Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) & school governance.
What I have learned throughout units 11-21 is how to help motivate myself through positive self-talk. When it comes to self-talk, it helps to know that I need to focus on what is being said to me and change that to show positive reinforcement. What these units describe as positive self-talk is that I need to help the subconscious reaffirm that I am someone that is worthy of good thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Describe the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance
1.2 Describe the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance.
1.2 Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance.
Management in healthcare institutions obtains presentations that pertain to workers’ injuries and illness costs. The figures acquire adequate support from the management provided that the data cites credible and the right references. However, researchers lack adequate hard data and research backing to defend direct and indirect cost ratios that they frequently utilize in relation to the safety-related literature.
Schools lacking social utilities that are needed to promote the academic status of its students is an issue. Whether these benefits should be kept opened or closed is widely debated in most societies. The condition of such schools is an important issue because it determines the future of its students academically. Some issues facing schools include social, public and economic issues; this essay will consider arguments concerning the social, public and economical causes of this problem through the use of Jonathan Kozol 's "FREMONT HIGH SCHOOL", which was written to expose the poor conditions in Fremont high school and seek in the improvement of the school system.
There are many theories in the field of criminology that seek to explain the reasons behind why people commit crimes. Social process theory is one such theory and asserts that criminal behavior is learned through interactions with others (Schmalleger, 2012). There are four types of social process theories including: social learning theory, social control theory, labeling theory, and dramaturgical perspective. This paper will explore two of the theories including social learning theory and social control theory. The paper will discuss social process theory and the history of its development, the theory’s importance to criminology, examples of
In the introduction of this article, the author should create a foundation for his argument and state both sides of the argument. The author is able to that in his introduction. In his first paragraph, he states that there are “two different opinions” on whether school is the primary influence of
You can typically divide schools into 2 categories large and small and even from those two stem to rural and urban. For this essay I’ll talk a little bit about all sectors of schools because they all require a little different approach. There are two ways to approach most scenarios, offensive and defensive, both have pros can cons but they
There is one major university and 4 schools. The standard of education is high and the demand and need for education is unexceptionally met in the area. There are no vocational, technical schools or specialty school. This could have a pendulum effect. The positive: the number of schools observed within the area shows that the children are getting education and those who decide to go to college can easily do that in the comfort of the area. The
In the book “Social Problems: Continuity and Change”, I studied the chapter Schools and Education. This chapter is very informative on the different social problems that are occurring within schools and education in the United States. The chapter begins with the definition of education, briefly explaining how it is a social establishment that teaches people skills, knowledge, norms, and values that will be beneficial in today society. There are two different types of education. They are formal education and informal education. Teachers, through professional training, often teach formal education to students whereas informal education can occur anywhere, mainly in homes by parents or guardians.
In the following lesson I combined my students’ interests mixed with theory I have read about to create an interdisciplinary classroom activity. The lesson I created is math content based with a special education sixth grade class. The specific unit of study is solving equations and specific vocabulary attached to this unit is: variable, constant, inverse, and solution. Through this lesson my students are going to be able to identify the parts of an equation and solve equations to find the value of the missing variable. My district developed a program of one-to-one chromebooks for all of the students at my school so my students also have access to their own chromebooks for this lesson through Google Classroom. I would also have all of my worksheets, graphic organizers, assessments, powerpoint, etc. translated into Spanish so that all my students could understand it. My sixth grade class consists of six students, all of who have a learning disability of some kind. Three of the students also have ADHD along with their learning disability and four of the six students are also ELL all of whom are long-term English learners. Each of them has been in the U.S. for at least seven years. With this varied mix of students it makes teaching precisely and providing choice a priority. Also making sure to teach off of theories that have worked with students of this magnitude.
IZJAVA Študent Damir Mesarić izjavljam, da sem avtor tega magisterskega dela, ki sem ga napisal pod mentorstvom dr. Aleša Groznika ter somentorstvom dr. Tomaža Čaterja in skladno s 1. odstavkom 21. člena Zakona o avtorskih in sorodnih pravicah dovolim objavo magisterskega dela na fakultetnih spletnih straneh.