
Predicting Performance Of Post Graduate Education From Admissions Information -- -comparisons Of Health Professions With Pharmacy

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Predicting performance in post-graduate education from admissions information ---comparisons of health professions with pharmacy
Richard E Wilcox, PhD* and Kenneth A Lawson, PhD ABSTRACT
Objectives. The goal of the present review was to assess the state of performance prediction in health care programs generally, versus performance in pharmacy schools, using didactic and non-didactic admissions measures. This is important because clinical success represents a combination of skills that are not fully predicted by either type of measure alone.
Methods. PubMed searches were conducted focusing on work published from 2000 onwards, since it is during this period that non-didactic admissions measures have come to be incorporated into the applicant evaluation process. Relevant papers that were available as free full text were used. When these papers were not available by direct import into EndNote, we went directly to the journal to try to retrieve the paper.

Results. Published literature clearly showed that prediction of performance in the didactic portions of health care programs is straightforward when based on pre-health care GPA and achievement test scores. The best predictions are achieved when both measures are combined. While significant statistical prediction is achieved in virtually every study, the percent of total performance variance accounted for is also consistent and uniformly small - in the order of 25%. Similarly, there is now an emerging consensus that

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