
Prep Work For College Essay

Decent Essays

Prep Work In the twelve years of education we have we don’t always do a lot of prep work for college, in my opinion schools should start preparing students for college. Most people's worries are that students will burn out, but wouldn't you want to know sooner before you pay thousands of dollars for a college. Also it would be better for students to take classes that would help them in college. In many cases this would help students start thinking what they want to do in the future many students these days graduate high school and don’t know what they want to do next. Students have an opportunity to learn about multiple majors and can explore and find out what they have a passion for and what they want to major in.Helping students prepare earlier for college in high school is better to do earlier because it helps better prepare students for college and their careers. Many parents' who have college bound children have many worries that students will burn out too early and this will cause them to not want to go to college. When you think about it students what burnout with just preparing them for college would likely have dropped out of college, making them waste thousands of dollars. Students that actually want …show more content…

Many students don’t know what career is best for them and if they have the opportunities to look for a career that interests them they will more likely to go to college. These students will have a better opportunity in school and more likely to go to college. When students re better prepared school is less scary and they will have a better opportunity for success. When students are more prepared for college it is better. It does not harm students to show them what college work is like. When you have the experience of how hard college work is you know and don't have such a difficult time with the college

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