
Prescription Drug Abuse Essay

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David was going through a very hard transition in his life from the elementary levels of school to high school. Along the way, he started hanging out with the wrong crowd and doing all sorts of drugs like smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol. In his senior year he realized he wanted to do something different with his life and he joined the boxing team and quit drugs, but one Saturday night that all ended. David was offered a patch that was supposed to make him feel an extremely good feeling. He didn't know what was in the patch, but it contained Fentanyl; a special pain reliever for cancer patients. His friend told him to cut open the patch and ingest what was inside. The next morning, David never woke up. Eight weeks later, his mother …show more content…

But only 16% are talking to their children about prescription medicine (Fox News)." When people usually abuse prescription drugs most commonly it's for the ramifications to lose weight, to get high, and to get stronger. Many people who consume drugs do not even know the catastrophic dangers that exist while consuming them. Patients don’t think that these medications are inherently dangerous. However, prescription drugs can be just as belligerent and detrimental to your health just like a gun or drinking alcohol can be. Most people don’t care to properly store them either. If prescription drugs aren't treated at the recommended temperature, at the right dosage, or taken by the right person; you can take something that was meant to save lives and turn it into something that can seriously mutilate your body. One of the most dangerous prescription drugs out there now is OxyCotin. OxyCotin is a prescription drug pain reliever that's designed to slowly release medicine over time by form of a capsule. Abusers bypass that by methods of chewing, injecting, and even snorting in the drug (Meadows, Michelle). Prescription Drugs: Their Use and Abuse explains that when a person takes so much over the safe dosage amount, the drug can actually have very different effects on your body. For example, if you overdose on OxyCotin it has the power to actually kill you (Prescription Drugs: Their Use and Abuse [3]). These sorts of drugs are also

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