
Presentation Of Communications With Internal And External Audiences

Satisfactory Essays

This paper will consist of two parts the first is a summary of a board meeting that I attended, and the second is evaluation for the same meeting in terms of communications with internal and external audiences. The summary will concentrate over when and where the meeting was held, who attended the meeting, how it went, what were the agenda items and some relevant points. Through the evaluation, I will assess and reflect on the effectiveness of both written and verbal communications in meeting the needs of audiences, whether the board members communicate with the goal of creating two-way communications, the appropriateness, accuracy, transparency, and accountability of communications and information by the board to its stakeholders. I attended to a board meeting of Dayton Board of Education that was held on August 18, 2015 in the board room which located in 115 S. Ludlow Street. The attendees of the meeting were professionals as board members, the board president, the superintendent, the treasurer, teachers, principals, bus drivers and educational organizations’ members, as well as, parents and other community members. The meeting went very smoothly, was well managed and implied dynamic interactions between the board member and its stakeholders. It was opened at 6:00 pm and lasted for one hour and 55 minutes that started with “Roll Call” and “Pledge of Allegiance”, and then followed by special presentation of the Dayton Public Schools summer graduates. The graduation

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