
President Lincoln And George Washington

Decent Essays

Running a country requires patience, determination, and an enormous amount of leadership. Presidents devote countless hours of their time for the betterment of our nation. Because of this, presidents like Abraham Lincoln and George Washington who lead America through some of the toughest times, are deeply admired by people then and now. One president who rescued America out of its most desperate times stands out among many other of our nation 's leaders. Franklin Delano Roosevelt had a difficult life that gave him the opportunity to see from the eyes of others who struggled, and use that to help them. Franklin Roosevelt grew up in luxury among millionaires of New York. He was born on January 30,1882 into a life of wealth and privilege on their 600 acre estate in Hyde Park, New York (“Franklin Delano Roosevelt”). His father was a Wall Street lawyer and his mother was a “society mom” who inherited money from her father (Judith S. Baughman, et al. “American Decades”). Roosevelt was homeschooled until the age of fourteen, when he continued his education at the elite Groton Prep School(“Franklin Delano Roosevelt”). Roosevelt lived a easy and fun childhood because of his wealth. Roosevelt’s early career created a path for his political and personal success in life. He graduated from harvard in 1904 with a Bachelor 's Degree (“Contemporary Authors”). He then attended Columbia Law School in New York; although he never graduated, he passed the bar exam in 1907 and found work at

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