
Pressure Ulcers As An Area Of Skin And The Tissues

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“Pressure ulcers are caused when an area of skin and the tissues below are damaged as a result of being placed under pressure sufficient to impair its blood supply.” as defined by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (as cited in Payne, 2016, p. 12). I had never really known much about pressure ulcers before nursing. The frequency to which pressure ulcers can occur, and the level of severity they can develop was shocking to me. This is the main reason this topic interested me. The article “Strategies to support prevention, identification and management of pressure ulcers in the community” by Drew Payne, focuses on community nursing and provides information on how to identify patients at risk, on pressure ulcer …show more content…

These factors include, but are not limited to: patients with prior pressure ulcer history, patients with reduced mobility, patients using wrong clinical equipment, patients with improper furniture, or patients living environments. Since community nurses are not with their patients all day, they must consider all risks that could arise throughout the patient’s day. It is important to gather this information in making individually tailored pressure ulcer prevention strategies. Some important areas to consider when creating the prevention measures are: encouraging movement, repositioning, nutrition (underweight patients are more at risk for pressure ulcers), and all external factors that may increase risk such as clinical equipment or even clothing. However, for the patient to truly involve themselves in preventing pressure ulcers, they must receive proper patient education. They must understand what pressure ulcers are, why they should be prevented, and exactly how to prevent them. It is also important to have the family or any other caregivers involved, by giving them all the same information and having them fully engaged with the prevention strategies. Other health care professionals involved in the patient’s life, like nutritionists or physiotherapists, should be adequately informed about pressure ulcers to minimize any risks. It is also important to assess the correct equipment

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