
Prevent Criminal Behavior

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The environmental factors that contribute to criminal behaviors are emotional, sexual, and physical abuse, emotional and physical neglect, mental illness, and a family member being incarcerated. The genetic factors are the passive rGEs, which are traits that parents pass though genes, the environment or both; evocative rGEs are how people react to the characteristics of the child’s genotype; and active rGEs are the environments that children seek out which are compatible with their genotype.
If I were tasked with designing an intervention to prevent criminal behavior my first step for the intervention would be to start with observation, then I would move move to an intervention addressing the child’s behavior. I would start with observation …show more content…

The sensitive period in development can occur as early as three weeks into the pregnancy. I would tell my friend to stay away from teratogens. Teratogens can include drugs prescription and nonprescription, Tabaco, alcohol, radiation, pollution, and infectious diseases. However, the effect of the teratogens depends on the dose taken, age, and heredity. One example of a teratogen in drug form is the consistent consumption of caffeine, which can lead to a miscarriage and low birth weight. My friend also needs to make sure she is getting the right nutrition. For the first trimester, she needs to eat an extra 100 calories and in the final trimester, she needs an extra 430 calories. Since she needs to add extra calories, she should keep her exercise moderate in order to avoid physical discomfort. It is also recommended that she should manage her stress because too much anxiety can lead to an increase in fetal heart …show more content…

Parents can support development for infant gazing by asking their child what they are looking at or pointing to the object that they are gazing at. Another method that would help parents with infant gazing is to track how long their baby stares at an object by showing them a new object repeatedly until they no longer stare at it as long. The second emergent cue is infants smiling more. When an infant begins to smile more, the parents are more likely to engage in social interaction because there is more response coming from the infant. Also with smiling, parents and others are more likely to have more interaction to see the infant

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