
Preventing Tooth Decay : Teaching Preschool Essay

Decent Essays

Preventing Tooth Decay: Teaching Preschool Students Oral Hygiene Techniques
Although considered preventable, 53.6% of Medicaid eligible kindergarteners studied in California had a history of dental caries and 27.8 % had decay present at the time of the screening (Dental Health Foundation, 2006). Teaching young children effective oral hygiene techniques is the most effective way to protect the child’s teeth and help them to develop a daily oral wellness routine ("Dental Health," 2015). By focusing on those most in need, Medicaid eligible preschool aged children, teaching and reinforcing effective oral hygiene strategies early in life will foster a lifelong habit of oral health wellness (Gardner, Lally, & Wardle, 2012).
Preschool Cavity Prevention Program
As reported by the Academy of Pediatrics, oral hygiene should start at birth and continue throughout life ("Never too early to start," 2014). In the early years, from birth to the age of three, the parents have the responsibility of cleaning and caring for the child’s mouth and teeth. As a child develops, so too does their need for independence. By age three, with proper instruction, children begin to assist in the management of their oral hygiene needs ("CPS," 2013).
Focusing on the creation of effective oral hygiene habits, the preschool cavity prevention program starts with the belief that tooth brushing, like hand washing, is something done multiple times daily to promote health and wellness ("Dental Health," 2015).

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