
Primary Caregiver Case Study

Decent Essays

f) Describe the procedures, making sure that you describe each phase or condition (Who did what, how, with whom, where, when, how often, and for how long?).

In phase 1, the primary caregiver was taught how to implement the treatment with the child (Training 1) and how to teach other caregivers (Training 2). All baseline and training sessions were 10 min (Sam and Myron) or consisted of 10 demand trials (Robin) and were conducted across approximately three 1-hr home visits (Sam and Myron) or one 2-hr home visit (Robin). The primary caregiver was given written and verbal instructions on the recommended treatment. She also participated in a roleplay situation, in which an experimenter acted as the child and engaged in target behaviors, until …show more content…

All baseline and training sessions lasted 10 min (Sam and Myron) or 10 demand trials (Robin) and were conducted across two to three 1-hr home visits (Myron and Sam) or one 2-hr home visit (Robin) per caregiver. As each caregiver was taught, he or she was instructed not to tell other untrained caregivers about the treatment or to implement the treatment in their presence. The primary caregiver (i.e., the trainer) taught each caregiver (i.e., the trainee) sequentially across time using the previously described procedures. Data on child behavior, trainer behavior, and trainee behavior were collected. All sessions were videotaped for rescoring purposes due to the large number of dependent variables …show more content…

Parent/caregiver training is vital to the success of the generalization of what is learned in the clinical/school setting to the home setting. This article focused on an area that could be very important in the process of parent training, in that we teach one to teach others in the home. The study shows some positive results in the area of care giver training through the pyramidal “train-the-trainer” procedure. A weakness in the study is that a larger study is needed to overcome some of the problems that seem to arise in this study. The fact that the some of the problem behavior did not occur during baseline, but did occur at higher levels with caregivers after the training leaves questions about the data that was gathered. Another possible question that I would like to see address if possible is caregiver enthusiasm as it relates to working with the child. If the caregiver selected is not fully engaged in the training, how does it impact the data taken during the trials? Having worked with many families and children, often time’s family members are very tired from years of working with the

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