
Principle Of The Hygiene Hypothesis

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Evan Gaglione Sept 10, 2017 Hygiene Hypothesis Bio 220 The hygiene hypothesis is an educated guess that states a lack of early childhood exposure to infectious agents, microorganisms, bacteria, virus, and parasites increases weakness to allergic infections, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In particular, the lack of exposure to these infections is thought to lead to defects in the growth of immune tolerance. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), the decreasing occurrence of infections in Western nations and more recently in developing nations is at the heart of the decreasing incidence of both autoimmune and allergic diseases. The hygiene hypothesis is at both based upon epidemiological data, particularly migration studies. Display that test subjects migrating from a low-incidence for autoimmune and allergic disease to a high-incidence nation acquire the immune disorders with a high incidence. However, the data started showing a correlation between high-disease frequency and high-social financial status, but it doesn’t prove a perfect link between infections and immune disorders. The principle of the hygiene hypothesis maybe be connected to animals but of lesser degree but over generations and generations the autoimmune and allergic disease get more intense. These autoimmune and allergic disorders affect homeostatic factors and immune regulation, by decreasing the involving T-cell subsets and “Toll-like” receptor stimulation. The

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